Thursday, February 28, 2013

Forget Ordinary Paint: Use These 8 Stylish Faux Finishes

Applying Venetian plaster used to be a time-consuming process requiring patience and skill, so the job was mostly limited to master artisans. Today, even a first-time DIYer can get impressive results. The covering mimics the look of the stucco or polished marble found in old-world European architecture. The modern version of Venetian plaster has a multidimensional look featuring a textured, slightly raised surface that is the result of two or more layers.

Behr's Venetian plaster is applied with a putty knife. Wipe the plaster on the wall at a 15- to 30-degree angle relative to the floor or ceiling. Once it's dry, apply a second coat at a 60- to 90-degree angle. An optional topcoat protects the surface. (Note: For Venetian plaster or any other of these coverings, you'll need to prep the walls the way you would for a paint job?tape off the trim, fix cracks, and fill nail holes.)


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Seals take scientists to Antarctic's ocean floor

SYDNEY | Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:14pm EST

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Elephant seals wearing head sensors and swimming deep beneath Antarctic ice have helped scientists better understand how the ocean's coldest, deepest waters are formed, providing vital clues to understanding its role in the world's climate.

The tagged seals, along with sophisticated satellite data and moorings in ocean canyons, all played a role in providing data from the extreme Antarctic environment, where observations are very rare and ships could not go, said researchers at the Antarctic Climate & Ecosystem CRC in Tasmania.

Scientists have long known of the existence of "Antarctic bottom water," a dense, deep layer of water near the ocean floor that has a significant impact on the movement of the world's oceans.

Three areas where this water is formed were known of, and the existence of a fourth suspected for decades, but the area was far too inaccessible, until now, thanks to the seals.

"The seals went to an area of the coastline that no ship was ever going to get to," said Guy Williams, ACE CRC Sea Ice specialist and co-author of the study.

"This is a particular form of Antarctic water called Antarctic bottom water production, one of the engines that drives ocean circulation," he told Reuters. "What we've done is found another piston in that engine."

Southern Ocean Elephant seals are the largest of all seals, with males growing up to six meters (20 feet) long and weighing up to 4,000 kilograms (8,800 lbs).

Twenty of the seals were deployed from Davis Station in east Antarctica in 2011 with a sensor, weighing about 0.220 to 0.440 pounds, on their head. Each of the sensors had a small satellite relay which transmitted data on a daily basis during the five to 10 minute intervals when the seals surfaced.

"We get four dives worth of data a day but they're actually doing up to 60 dives," he said.

"The elephant seals ... went to the very source and found this very cold, very saline dense water in the middle of winter beneath a polynya, which is what we call an ice factory around the coast of Antarctica," Williams added.

Previous studies have shown that there are 50-year-long trends in the properties of the Antarctic bottom water, and Williams said the latest study will help better assess those changes, perhaps providing clues for climate change modeling.

"Several of the seals foraged on the continental slope as far down as 1,800 meters (1.1 miles), punching through into a layer of this dense water cascading down the abyss," he said in a statement. "They gave us very rare and valuable wintertime measurements of this process."

(Reporting by Pauline Askin, Editing by Elaine Lies and Michael Perry)


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Where did that Russian meteor come from? Astronomers determine origins.

Relying on the many publicly available videos of the meteor that exploded over Russia's Ural Mountains earlier this month, a pair of Colombian astronomers say that they have calculated the space rock's orbit.

By Nancy Atkinson,?Universe Today / February 27, 2013

This dashcam video frame grab shows a meteor streaking across the sky of Russia?s Ural Mountains earlier this month.

Nasha gazeta/


Just a week after a huge fireball streaked across the skies of the Chelyabinsk region of Russia, astronomers published?a paper?that reconstructs the orbit and determines the origins of the space rock that exploded about 14-20 km (8-12.5 miles) above Earth?s surface, producing a shockwave that damaged buildings and broke windows.

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Researchers Jorge Zuluaga and Ignacio Ferrin at the University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia used a resource not always available in meteorite falls: the numerous dashboard and security cameras that captured the huge fireball. Using the trajectories shown in videos posted on YouTube, the researchers were able to calculate the trajectory of the meteorite as it fell to Earth and use it to reconstruct the orbit in space of the meteoroid before its violent encounter with our planet.

The results are preliminary, Zuluaga told Universe Today, and they are already working on getting more precise results. ?We are working hard to produce an updated and more precise reconstruction of the orbit using different pieces of evidence,? he said via email.

But through their calculations, Zuluaga and Ferrin determined the rock originated from the Apollo class of asteroids.
Using triangulation, the researchers used two videos specifically: one from a camera located in the Revolutionary Square in Chelyabinsk and one video recorded in the a nearby city of Korkino, along with the location of a hole in the ice in Lake Chebarkul, 70km west of Chelyabinsk. The hole is thought to have come from the meteorite that fell on February 15.

Zuluaga and Ferrin were inspired to use the videos by Stefen Geens, who writes the?Ogle Earth blog?and who pointed out that the numerous dashcam and security videos may have gathered data about the trajectory and speed of the meteorite. He used this data and Google Earth to reconstruct the path of the rock as it entered the atmosphere and showed that it matched an image of the trajectory taken by the geostationary Meteosat-9 weather satellite.

But due to variations in time and date stamps on several of the videos ? some which differed by several minutes ? they decided to choose two videos from different locations that seemed to be the most reliable.

From triangulation, they were able to determine height, speed and position of the meteorite as it fell to Earth.

This video is a virtual exploration of the preliminary orbit computed by Zuluaga & Ferrin

This is a virtual exploration of th epreliminary orbit computed by Zuluaga & Ferrin (2013). Scientific details can be found at arxiv:1302.5377

But figuring out the meteroid?s orbit around the Sun was more difficult as well as less precise. They needed six critical parameters, all which they had to estimate from the data using Monte Carlo methods to ?calculate the most probable orbital parameters and their dispersion,? they wrote in their paper. Most of the parameters are related to the ?brightening point? ? where the meteorite becomes bright enough to cast a noticeable shadow in the videos. This helped determine the meteorite?s height, elevation and azimuth at the brightening point as well as the longitude, latitude on the Earth?s surface below and also the velocity of the rock.

?According to our estimations, the Chelyabinski meteor started to brighten up when it was between 32 and 47 km up in the atmosphere,? the team wrote. ?The velocity of the body predicted by our analysis was between 13 and 19 km/s (relative to the Earth) which encloses the preferred figure of 18 km/s assumed by other researchers.?

They then used software developed by the US Naval Observatory called NOVAS, the Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry to calculate the likely orbit. They concluded that the Chelyabinsk meteorite is from the Apollo asteroids, a well-known class of rocks that cross Earth?s orbit.

According to?The Technology Review blog, astronomers have seen over 240 Apollo asteroids that are larger than 1 km but believe there must be more than 2,000 others that size.

However, astronomers also estimate there might be about 80 million out there that are about same size as the one that fell over Chelyabinsk: about 15 meters (50 feet) in diameter, with a weight of 7,000 metric tons.

In their ongoing calculations, the research team has decided to make future calculations not using Lake Chebarkul as one of their triangulation points.

?We are acquainted with the skepticism that the holes in the icesheet of the lake have been produced artificially,? Zuluaga told Universe Today via email. ?However I have also read some reports indicating that pieces of the meteoroid have been found in the area. So, we are working hard to produce an updated and more precise reconstruction of the orbit using different pieces of evidence.?

Many have asked why this space rock was not detected before, and Zuluaga said determining why it was missed is one of the goals of their efforts.

?Regretfully knowing the family at which the asteroid belongs is not enough,? he said. ?The question can only be answered having a very precise orbit we can integrate backwards at least 50 years. Once you have an orbit, that orbit can predict the precise position of the body in the sky and then we can look for archive images and see if the asteroid was overlooked. This is our next move!?

Read the team?s paper here.

Read more about the Apollo class of asteroids?here.

Nancy Atkinson is Universe Today's Senior Editor. She also is the host of the?NASA Lunar Science Institute podcast?and works with the?Astronomy Cast?and?365 Days of Astronomy?podcasts. Nancy is also a NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador.

Connect with Nancy on?Facebook?|?Twitter?|?Google +?|?Website


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Canada: Religious office a great investment

This office is Canada?s $5-million investment in humanity, its gift to the global village, and a bold message to Canadians: as world citizens and members of a peacekeeping nation, we cannot ignore what transpires in other countries. Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch |
Source/Credit: National Post
By Mohsina Islam | February 22, 2013

Re: Hearing The Call Of A Higher (Political) Power, Kelly McParland, Feb. 21.

Canada?s Office of Religious Freedom will probably not end religious persecution that occurs on foreign soil, but God willing, it will make an indelible and positive mark on humanity for centuries to come. The atrocities that occur when religious freedom is suppressed are real and ghastly. Sadly, we have lost sense of their ghastliness due to censorship, which allows us to turn a blind eye to reality.

This office is Canada?s $5-million investment in humanity, its gift to the global village, and a bold message to Canadians: as world citizens and members of a peacekeeping nation, we cannot ignore what transpires in other countries.

Mohsina Islam, Brampton, Ont.

Read original post here:?Canada: Religious office a great investment

This content-post is archived for backup and to keep archived records of any news Islam Ahmadiyya. The views expressed by the author and source of this news archive do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Ahmadiyya Times.


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Friday, February 22, 2013

GOP demands cuts amid shrinking gov.

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Republicans and other fiscal conservatives keep insisting on more federal austerity and a smaller government. Without much fanfare or acknowledgement, they've already gotten much of both.

Spending by federal, state and local governments on payrolls, equipment, buildings, teachers, emergency workers, defense programs and other core governmental functions has been shrinking steadily since the deep 2007-2009 recession and as the anemic recovery continues.

This recent shrinkage has largely been obscured by an increase in spending on benefit payments to individuals under "entitlement" programs, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and veterans benefits. Retiring baby boomers are driving much of this increase.

Another round of huge cuts ? known in Washington parlance as the "sequester" ? will hit beginning March 1, potentially meaning layoffs for hundreds of thousands of federal workers unless Congress and President Barack Obama can strike a deficit-reduction deal to avert them.

With the deadline only a week off, Obama and Republicans who control the House are far apart over how to resolve the deadlock. While last-minute budget deals are frequent in Washington, neither side is optimistic of reaching one this time.

Even as the private sector has been slowly adding jobs, governments have been shedding them, holding down overall employment gains and keeping the jobless rate close to 8 percent, compared with normal non-recessionary levels of 5 to 6 percent that have prevailed since the 1950s.

"It's a massive drag on the economy. We lost three-quarter million public-sector jobs in the recovery," said economist Heidi Shierholz of the labor-friendly Economic Policy Institute. "We're still losing government jobs, although the pace has slowed. But we haven't turned around yet."

A larger-than-usual decline in federal spending, notably on defense programs, helped push the economy into negative territory in the final three months of 2012. Economic growth, meanwhile, has been inching along at a weak 1-2 percent ? not enough to significantly further drive down the national unemployment rate, which now stands at 7.9 percent.

Although federal spending is projected to decline from 22.8 percent of the gross domestic product recorded last year to 21.5 percent by 2017, it still will exceed the 40-year-average of 21.0 percent, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. Spending peaked at 25.2 percent of GDP in 2009.

The budget office also said the economy is roughly 5.5 percent smaller than it would have been had there been no recession.

The Defense Department already has made deep spending cuts, and outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said 800,000 civilian Pentagon employees were notified this week they likely are to be placed on periods of unpaid leave due to lawmakers' failure to act.

The recent downsizing in government is most pronounced at the state and local levels. Most states have constitutional or statutory requirements for balanced budgets.

That means nearly all states are prohibited from running budget deficits, while the federal government is not.

Not only can the federal government run deficits, but it can print money ? through actions by the Federal Reserve ? something states are prohibited from doing.

Those calling for a smaller government mostly don't take notice of the wave of recent cutbacks. Their clarion call remains Ronald Reagan's mantra: Government doesn't solve problems, it is the problem.

"This spending issue is the biggest issue that threatens our future," House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, says. "When are we going to get serious about our long-term spending problem?"

And Florida Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, delivering the GOP response to Obama's State of the Union address, said "a major cause of our recent downturn was a housing crisis created by reckless government policies."

Soaring recent government deficits are partially a side effect of the worst recession since the 1930s, which took a huge bite out of tax revenues at the same time spending increased on recession-fighting programs like unemployment compensation and stimulus measures under both Presidents George W. Bush and Obama.

"The problem going forward is one of demographics and rising health care. It is the baby boom generation retiring," said Alice Rivlin, a White House budget director under President Bill Clinton. "It's the fact that everybody is living longer."

Republicans argue that entitlement programs should be on the cutting board as well as other government programs. Democrats generally have been more protective of them, although the president and many congressional Democrats acknowledge some paring of these popular programs is in order.

The federal budget deficit for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30 is estimated to be $845 billion ? the first time it's dropped below $1 trillion in five years. But it's on track to rise again as more and more baby boomers retire and qualify for federal benefits and as interest payments on the national debt keep going up.

The national debt first inched past $1 trillion early in the Reagan administration and has grown in leaps and bounds ever since through both Democratic and Republican presidencies. It now stands at $16.6 trillion and is on a path toward soon becoming unsustainable, both parties agree.

Unchecked, entitlement payments will add roughly $700 billion to the debt over the next four years.

For now, though, "the economy is continuing to heal from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression," top White House economic adviser Alan Krueger says.

Under the sequester law, roughly $85 billion in federal spending would be slashed in the remaining seven months of this fiscal year and a total of $1.2 trillion in cuts over 10 years.

While entitlement programs and uniformed military personnel would be exempt, the rest of the government would be hit with indiscriminate across-the-board cuts.

Obama wants government deficits trimmed through a mix of selective spending cuts and new tax revenues, mostly by ending deductions and tax credits frequently claimed by the wealthiest Americans.

Republicans oppose any new taxes, even if for closing loopholes rather than increasing rates.

The looming spending cuts were first scheduled to take effect on Jan. 1. But they were postponed to March 1 as part of year-end "fiscal cliff" negotiations that also raised tax rates on affluent Americans. Republicans insist that's enough tax increasing for now.


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Israel braces for action along the Syrian border

For nearly four decades, the Assad regime in Syria ensured that the border with the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights remained quiet. But in a treeless valley at the foot of snow-capped Mount Hermon, it's clear that is changing.

A sturdy new fence, surveillance sensors, and troop deployments along the Israeli side of the 65-mile border reflect concern in the Jewish state about the spillover from Syria?s civil war and what comes after the expected downfall of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Errant fire from Syria has already crossed into Israeli territory several times, prompting Israel to fire back once.

"Things can change dramatically in hours," says Kobi Marom, a resident of the Golan Heights ski village, Neve Ativ, and reserve Army colonel, as he surveys the valley. "We are trying to be prepared for a new situation in the region."

RECOMMENDED: How much do you know about Israel? Take the quiz

After two years of watching the Syrian conflict from the sidelines, the hostilities seem to have arrived at Israel?s doorstep. Syrian rebels are fighting to wrest control of the border from the Syrian Army, and there?s an increasing fear that militant groups on both sides of the civil war will get their hands on the country's advanced weapons arsenal and set their sites on Israel next. That presents a quandry for Israeli officials: Can they protect the country without getting sucked in to Syria's violence?


Analysts say that balancing between the two will be increasingly difficult if the central authority continues to crumble in Syria and multiple power centers emerge in the countrywide war.

But some Israeli officials and security analysts see an upside to the chaos. The fall of Mr. Assad could be a strategic boost for Israel because it would sever the "Shiite crescent" that stretches from Iran to Lebanon, connecting Hezbollah to its supporters in Tehran. And former chief of IDF intelligence Amos Yadlin recently said that Israel has become more secure because the Syrian Army no longer poses a conventional threat to Israel.

"The main question is the day after," says Bernadetta Berti, a fellow at Tel Aviv University?s Institute for National Security Studies. "From the Israeli perspective, a Syria not ruled by Assad is something that it should look upon favorably, but from my perspective the day after, Assad will be complicated."

On one front, Israel fears that rising chaos and the proliferation of Islamist militants just beyond the Golan Heights fence could lead to cross-border attacks like those from Egypt?s Sinai Peninsula into southern Israel after the fall of former Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak. Israeli communities in the Golan Heights have already been put on alert, and local Army commanders said they have formulated a new defense doctrine to cope with the Syrian instability.

Israel also worries about the transfer of advanced weapons and chemical warheads from Syria to the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, a development Israeli leaders consider a "red line" because it could give the Iranian ally a major boost in a future war. In late January, Israeli airplanes reportedly bombed a convoy in Syria carrying anti-aircraft missiles to Lebanon ? the first major Israeli attack on Syria since 2007.

Even though Israel never officially claimed responsibility, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said after the attack that Israel is serious about blocking the transfer of sophisticated weapons from Syria to Lebanon.

One Israeli Middle East analyst cautions that Israel risks becoming embroiled in the Syrian fighting, much like Israel became embroiled in the Lebanon civil war, culminating with an invasion in 1982.

"If you draw a red line, you will have to enforce that red line, and that will push you into the conflict," says Guy Bechor, a Middle East historian at the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center. "We have been there in Lebanon trapped in between religions and sects. This is not our war."


Back on the ground along the Golan border, Israeli soldiers and civilians can observe and hear the fighting less than a mile away.

A week ago, Israel accepted for the first time a small group of wounded Syrian rebel fighters who requested treatment, raising questions about whether Israel would become a shelter like other Syrian neighbors.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is pushing to complete construction of the Golan border fence, said afterward that as a rule Israel will not allow Syrians to cross into Israeli-controlled territory, but would make exceptions on "humanitarian grounds."

Senior Israel Defense Force (IDF) officers in the Northern Command began predicting last year that, amid Assad?s collapse, the Golan might be targeted by militants backed by Iran or global jihadist groups who have flocked to Syria to join the fight against the Assad regime. The IDF declined to comment on the border situation this week, but Mr. Marom said reservists have been replaced by regular elite forces recently. Two months ago, a senior officer said the IDF had updated its intelligence gathering effort, and adopted a new operational doctrine.

"The combination of all of this is to meet the developing threat," said Brig. Gen. Tamir Heiman in a December interview with Channel 2 news. "I don?t know if it will happen, but it?s good to be ready."

In the Alonei Habashan farming cooperative, located just a quarter of a mile from the border, residents are also ready. The main gate is closed at night and residents say they are locking their doors for the first time for fear of infiltration. "We will get hit first," says Yiska Dekel, chairwoman of the local board.

Now that the Syrian regime is fighting rebel forces right on the border, the Army considers the border region an eyzor sfar ? a "frontier region" ? with a vacuum of authority, like Egypt?s Sinai Peninsula. In the absence of a central "address" to retaliate against, the question for the Army becomes how to respond to infiltrations or the possibility of rocket strikes from Syria into Israel.

Military officers have spoken of retaliatory incursions. Another defensive solution would be to enforce a no-man?s zone by shooting into a defined area along the Syrian side while staying on the Israeli side of the border ? a tactic used by Israel in the Gaza Strip in recent years.

Israeli analysts believe the best-case scenario for a post-Assad Syria would be a Sunni-dominated government with ties to Turkey and the Gulf. However, that may be a long way off, and in the interim, further chaos is likely. Reserve Colonel Marom predicts that the power vacuum will continue over the next two to three years. If attacks on Israel escalate, Israel may find itself mulling the establishment of a security zone inside Syria ? just as it did in southern Lebanon before withdrawing 2,000. That would entail a limited ground invasion

"I hope the Army has a plan for a security zone," says a security officer at a Golan Heights Israeli community who declined to give his name because he is subject to the Army. "I don?t like it, but if no one gets control over Syria, we?ll have no alternative."

RECOMMENDED: How much do you know about Israel? Take the quiz

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Zoologger: The chilly secret to monarch migration

Zoologger is our weekly column highlighting extraordinary animals ? and occasionally other organisms ? from around the world

Species: Danaus plexippus
Habitat: The Americas, western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and various islands ? although the North American populations are the really famous ones

In a few weeks, one of the most spectacular events in the natural world will begin. Having spent the winter in Mexico, millions of monarch butterflies will set off north to return to their breeding grounds in the US.

It's the final leg in a yearly cycle. The monarchs come south in the autumn to shelter from the freezing North American winters, and then fly north again in early March.

No one has ever been able to figure out what triggers the butterflies to leave the relative warmth of Mexico and head back to the US ? until now. Surprisingly, cold weather could be the decisive factor. That means the monarch migration could change profoundly over the coming decades, as the global climate warms.

Crammed on trees

Monarch butterflies breed through the summer in the US, where the females lay their eggs on milkweed plants. But as winter approaches and the weather turns colder, they are forced south. "They're originally neo-tropical butterflies, and will freeze to death if it's below freezing," says Steven Reppert of the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester.

The monarchs spend the winter in the mountains of Mexico, crammed together on trees in a few isolated spots where conditions are suitable. "The temperatures hover just above freezing," says Reppert, but they are stable enough that the monarchs can wait out the winter in relative safety. The US's freezing winters, by contrast, would kill them.

Then in the first or second week of March, they set off north in search of warmer weather. The first wave of migrants reaches the southern US and breeds, the second generation gets a bit further, and it is only the third generation that returns to the northern parts of their range in Canada.

"Anecdotally, there are reports of butterflies that have gone all the way, but that's extremely rare," says Reppert. "Three is the magic number to complete the cycle."

Solar navigation

Reppert's team had previously shown that monarchs heading south navigate using the sun. To do that, they must also know roughly what time of day it is, so they can judge whether the sun's position corresponds to the eastern or western part of the sky. The butterflies achieve this with circadian clocks in their antennae.

Reppert has now shown that the monarchs use the same method when heading north in the spring. When he removed the antennae of 15 butterflies in Mexico, they became confused and flew in a wide range of directions ? rather than north-east as other butterflies did.

That suggests something in Mexico must flip the monarchs' orientation, given that the insects have relatively simple brains and should be incapable of adapting their flight orientation strategy without some kind of external forcing factor.

Duped in captivity

To find out what turns the butterflies around, Reppert captured 12 of the insects in the autumn, when they were heading south. He housed them under conditions that mimicked the short days and low temperatures of a Mexican winter. When he released them 24 days later, they flew ? even though under normal circumstances the insects would overwinter in Mexico for several months before returning north to the US

"We were very surprised," Reppert says. He repeated the experiment, this time without changing the day length. The butterflies again flew north. "It really was the cold temperature that was flipping them round," he says.

The fact that the northerly leg of the migration is triggered by cold temperatures means that it is vulnerable to climate change. "It has to be cold enough to cause the switch," Reppert says. If conditions in Mexico are too warm, the monarchs might set off in the wrong direction.

This doesn't mean monarchs are in danger. "The species is not threatened at all," says Ernest Williams of Hamilton College in Clinton, New York. There are populations on many continents, and most aren't migratory. "What is endangered is the migration."

It's hard to say what will happen if climate alters. One possibility is that the entire migration will shift northwards: in summer the butterflies might head further into Canada, and they might stop going as far south as Mexico in the winter.

"There will be more monarchs able to survive on the Gulf Coast," says Williams. But to expand their range northwards, they must have milkweed on which to lay their eggs. Williams says we don't know if milkweed is moving north, or even if it can survive and flourish at northerly latitudes.

Williams says there is another, less appealing possibility. The entire migration might reduce, with fewer butterflies migrating and only travelling short distances.

It's too soon to say, but if you want to see the monarch migration in its glory, maybe go sooner rather than later.

Journal reference: Current Biology, DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2013.01.052

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Staff Sgt. Joe Cruz beats cancer, re-enlists in the Marine Corps

By Whitney Wild

February 21, 2013 - 09:56 pm

For one U.S. Marine, deploying to combat was a lifelong goal. But the chance to fight for his country was suddenly side-tracked by a battle he never expected.

Four years ago, Staff Sgt. Joe Cruz was a newlywed, had just moved into his dream home in North Carolina, and was weeks from realizing his goal of deploying to Afghanistan.

But when a tickle in his throat wouldn't go away, Cruz's life began to unravel.

The diagnosis was unthinkable. Stage 4 Hodgkin?s lymphoma covered Cruz's lung and flooded his spine. Chemo began immediately.

And when fellow Marines left for combat, Cruz stayed behind, heartbroken and near death.

"It was hard to know that I fought so hard to get to that level,? Cruz says. ?I felt pain, but nothing as strong as the pain I felt in my heart when he said I couldn't go."

Chemo lasted six months. Cruz calls it a blur. About a year later, the cancer began to disappear.

By 2011, Cruz was in remission, and in the gym six days a week. Last November, he passed his physical training test, the final hurdle in a race back to combat.

This week, Cruz officially re-enlisted with the Marine Corps. Soon, he and his family will leave for their new post in Louisiana, where he will start a position training infantry reservists.

But doctors won't give him the green light to deploy for another two years.


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In A Play For More HTML5 Muscle, Intel Buys appMobi?s HTML5 Developer Tools, Leaving appMobi To Focus On The Cloud

html5 muscleIntel will not be left out of the party when it comes to being central in the mobile app ecosystem. The company today acquired a set of HTML5 development tools, originally created by appMobi and used by some 150,000 developers, and has hired staff from appMobi that worked on the product to continue to maintain it. appMobi, meanwhile, is going to forge ahead as a standalone company, focused on the remaining part of its business as a provider of cloud services for mobile applications. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. The acquisition was first made public by appMobi in a letter sent out to the 150,000+ developers that use its platform. A copy of that letter was sent to TechCrunch and is below. In it, appMobi spells out the basics of what Intel has now taken under its wing. In short, it’s a set of app creation and testing tools that cover mobile web, Windows 8 and Windows Phone, iOS, Android and more. The HTML5 development tools acquired by Intel include appMobi’s XDK IDE, PhoneGap XDK, GameDev XDK, jqMobi and jqUI mobile development frameworks, directCanvas HTML5 acceleration, appStarter and appSnap app creation tools, OpenBuild and chromeBuild hybrid app packagers, debugMobi and testAnywhere on-device debugging tools, Mobius enhanced web browser, Windows 8/ Windows Phone 8 app templates, appLab test containers for iOS and Android, and Facebook and Twitter authentication and connection libraries. appMobi, it appears, is getting at least part of its payment in the form of an ongoing strategic relationship with Intel. These development tools will remain tied to the cloud services that appMobi will continue to operate, which include cross-platform solutions for mobile app monetization on iOS, Android, Windows 8 and HTML5, covering both desktop and mobile. It’s not clear exactly why appMobi, which has raised $8.1 million in VC funding to date, decided to sell this part of their business to Intel, but it is likely that the cloud portion of appMobi’s business, tied in as it is with monetizing apps and other services, may have been yielding better returns for the company. On the other hand, Intel has long been courting mobile app developers and wanting to grow its influence in mobile (both externally though projects like AppUp and of course chips, but also internally) and this gives the company one more route to connecting with them and developing those relationships. In that regard, it’s


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CloudOn releases version 4.0, brings its productivity features to a number of Android handsets

CloudOn releases version 40, brings its productivity features to a number of Android handsets

A mere couple of months have passed since CloudOn outed its third major revision on Android and iOS, and today the productivity-focused application is making yet another numerical jump. With today's announcement of version 4.0, the app's set to expand on the previous iteration by bringing its Office functionality outside of Apple's famed smartphone and onto some that are powered by Google's mobile OS. This means Android users with a compatible smartphone can now view, edit, create, and share documents with CloudOn, which should be a rather familiar experience for those who've been utilizing the tablet app since its humble beginnings on Google Play. CloudOn 4.0 (along with its newly added support for landscape mode) is now available worldwide, although you'll have to check out the presser past the jump in order to find out if your beloved handset is included in the list of fitting devices.

Gallery: CloudOn 4.0

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Source: Google Play


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Estonia officially opens nationwide EV fast charging network

Estonia officially opens nationwide EV fast charging network

If certain reporters had lived in Estonia, how different things might be. The small European state has just cut the ribbon on its nationwide EV fast-charge network -- providing 165 charging stations no further that 60km apart. Implementing a national or state-wide network of charger locations is something either under way, or in place in locations from Australia to Indiana. The Estonian implementation is state-backed, has a unified payment system, and offers three tiers of service to customers, from a basic pay-and-go option to a €30 all-you-can-drive monthly electricity buffet. It's claimed that up to a 90 percent charge can be achieved in half an hour, with the range that achieves depending on your vehicle of choice. Estonia has 619 all-electric cars registered with the traffic office, and the network extends beyond the mainland, ensuring even those weekend road trips should be covered.

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Via: Estonian World



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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

4 Energy Stock Stories to Fuel Investor Interest

Clean Diesel Technologies (NASDAQ:CDTI): Closing price $2.60

On Wednesday, Pirelli & C. Ambiente and Clean Diesel?reached an?agreement to?create a joint venture through which to market and sell emissions control products for both gasoline and diesel applications in Europe and the CIS countries. The new joint venture firm, Eco Emission Enterprise, will be located in Milano and should?commence operations in March.


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Would raising the minimum wage destroy jobs?

Increasing the minimum wage would cause some workers to lose jobs and others to get higher pay. But the effects would not be large.

By Stefan Karlsson,?Guest blogger / February 18, 2013

Kaylee Feight talks about the impact of a minimum wage increase on her job at Quiznos in Helena, Mont., in December, right before an automatic cost-of-living increase takes effect in the state. Raising the federal minimum wage under President Obama's proposal would raise wages for some and cut jobs for others.

Matt Gouras/AP/File


Since President Obama proposed an increase in the federal minimum wage in the U.S., from $7.25 per hour to $9 per hour and then index it to inflation, the debate has been raging about whether or not this would make low wage workers better paid or not paid at all (or in other words if they would get unemployed).

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The short answer is that it would be a little bit of both, but with emphasis on little. To understand why we must first examine the issue theoretically and then look at current U.S. conditions.

Starting with theory, when a worker's pay is set on the free market, it will be no higher than the worker's (expected) marginal productivity and no lower than what the worker could get paid elsewhere or what the worker would feel is so low that not having any job is better (the latter is of course influenced by the extent to which the workers could live on for example unemployment benefits or welfare). The latter could be referred to as a worker's personal minimum wage.

For unemployed workers their personal minimum wage is higher than the marginal productivity employers think they might have for them, while for employed workers, the marginal productivity is equal to or higher.

Ingredient Subscription Service Blue Apron Raises $3M To Help You Cook Fresh Meals

blue apronBlue Apron, a startup that aims to help you cook new foods while taking a lot of the inconvenience and waste out of the process, announced today that it has raised a $3 million Series A. The company delivers fresh ingredients and instructions for up to three meals a week, for $9.99 per person per meal. When we wrote about the company last fall, it was only available in the Northeastern US. Now the company says that it delivers to 50 percent of the country (it hasn't reached the West Coast yet) with 6,000 meals delivered each week. It has also added a vegetarian option.


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Pistorius in court for bail hearing

PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) ? Escorted by police, Oscar Pistorius arrived early at a courthouse in South Africa's capital Tuesday for a bail hearing in the killing of his girlfriend.

Prosecutors say they will press a charge of premeditated murder against the 26-year-old double-amputee Paralympian and Olympic athlete. Pistorius' family says police evidence will show there should be no murder charge.

The shooting death in the early hours of Valentine's Day of Reeva Steenkamp, 29, in Pistorius' home in a gated neighborhood has shocked South Africans and many around the world who idolized Pistorius for overcoming adversity to become a sports champion, competing in the London Olympics last year in track besides being a Paralympian.

Journalists watched Pistorius, head covered with a hoodie, leave the police station and arrive at the back entrance to the courthouse in Pretoria, before 7 a.m. (0900 GMT).

Pistorius' brother Carl and longtime track coach Ampie Louw ? the man who convinced Pistorius to take up athletics ? were also in the Pretoria Magistrate's Court building, pointing out friends of the family that should be allowed in. A line of dozens of people waited to go in that public entrance.

Around 100 people filled the court room, that has a capacity of about 60, where Pistorius' father sat in the front row and his sister just behind him. The windows of the courtroom were covered from outside so that photographs could not be taken.

The family of Oscar Pistorius' slain girlfriend wants answers, her mother told a Johannesburg newspaper, as South Africans braced to hear why prosecutors believe a national hero murdered the model who was reportedly shot four times.

June Steenkamp, Reeva Steenkamp's mother, told The Times in a front page interview published Monday: "Why? Why my little girl? Why did this happen? Why did he do this?"

"Just like that she is gone," the newspaper quoted her as saying in what it described as an emotional telephone interview. "In the blink of an eye and a single breath, the most beautiful person who ever lived is no longer here."

The bail hearing will be the first opportunity for the prosecution to describe evidence police gathered against the runner and the reasons why he was charged with murder.

Pistorius' family denies he committed murder though they have not addressed whether he shot her. When word first emerged about the killing there was speculation in the local media that Steenkamp had been mistaken for an intruder in Pistorius' home. Police have said that was not something they were considering.

In an email to The Associated Press on Monday, Pistorius' longtime track coach ? who was yet to comment ? said he believes the killing was an accident.

"I pray that we can all, in time, come through this challenging situation following the accident and I am looking forward to the day I can get my boy back on the track," Louw wrote in his statement. "I am still in shock following the heart-breaking events that occurred last week and my thoughts and prayers are with both of the families involved."

Pistorius' top sponsor, Nike, said in a brief statement to the AP on Monday that it "has no plans for Oscar Pistorius in upcoming campaigns." They declined to give any further information.

While Pistorius goes to court, Steenkamp's funeral will also be held Tuesday in her hometown of Port Elizabeth on South Africa's southern coast, her family said. It is to be a private ceremony at a local crematorium, closed to the public and media.

"We're just taking things one day at a time," Reeva Steenkamp's brother Adam Steenkamp said outside the family home. "But at the moment it's family coming together and the one person who would be the strongest, who held us all together, is unfortunately not here anymore ? and that's my sister."

Police said they arrived in the predawn hours of Thursday ? Valentine's Day ? to find paramedics trying to revive Steenkamp and said that she had been shot four times. A 9 mm pistol was recovered from the scene. Pistorius was arrested and charged with murder the same day.

Prosecutors said in Pistorius' first court appearance Friday that they would pursue a more serious premeditated murder charge against the Olympian and world's most high-profile disabled athlete.

Arnold Pistorius, Oscar's uncle, said the prosecution's own case would show there was no murder.

"We have no doubt there is no substance to the allegation," he said, "and that the state's own case, including its own forensic evidence, strongly refutes any possibility of a premeditated murder or indeed any murder at all."

Pistorius has been in custody in Brooklyn police station in Pretoria since Friday. His agent told the AP that there is no way to predict if he will ever run track again.

"For me it's too early to comment," Peet Van Zyl said. "I think it's still a huge shock and tragedy that took the world by surprise so I can't comment on that one (Pistorius' future career) or give any timeline to that at this point in time."


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Research uncovers a potential link between Parkinson's and visual problems

Monday, February 18, 2013

The most common genetic cause of Parkinson's is not only responsible for the condition's distinctive movement problems but may also affect vision, according to new research by scientists at the University of York.

Parkinson's, the second most common form of neurodegenerative disease, principally affects people aged over 60. Its most common symptom is tremor and slowness of movement (bradykinesia) but some people with Parkinson's also experience changes in vision.

Now for the first time, researchers in the University's Department of Biology have established a link between a mutation which triggers Parkinson's and problems with vision in an animal model.

The latest research, part-funded by leading research charity Parkinson's UK is published in Human Molecular Genetics. Scientists at York studied the impact of the most common Parkinson's-related mutation on nerve cells in the visual system of the fruit fly, Drosophila.

Using electroretinagram (ERG) technology they found a gradual loss of function in eye nerve cells with the mutant gene. The fly visual system is a useful laboratory model as it contains similar amounts of dopamine to the human eye.

However, the research team, which was supported by the University's Centre for Chronic Disease and Disorders (C2D2), found that other Parkinson's-related mutations did not affect eye nerve cell function and there was no loss of vision.

Dr Chris Elliott, who led the research, said: "This is a significant step forward as it will help to identify those people with Parkinson's who may be at greater risk of changes in their vision. It will assist clinicians to manage the condition more effectively.

"We have to get away from the idea that Parkinson's is only about movement problems. This work indicates that changes in vision may also affect people with the most common form of inherited Parkinson's."

Claire Bale, Research Communications Manager at Parkinson's UK added: "This new research has uncovered a potentially interesting relationship between one of the most common genes linked to Parkinson's and the development of visual problems.

"But crucially this study looked at fruit flies, so we need to do more research to find out how relevant the findings are to people living with the condition.

"If you have Parkinson's and notice changes in your eyesight, such as blurred or double vision, it's important to discuss this with your specialist or Parkinson's nurse."


University of York:

Thanks to University of York for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

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Why the Hagel filibuster is a serious mistake for Republicans

Good job, GOP. You just handed Obama a public-relations gift

The filibuster is a tool of great power. And with great power comes great responsibility.

On Thursday, in deploying what amounts to a filibuster of Chuck Hagel, GOP senators abused that power. In doing so, they've made a serious political mistake.

SEE MORE: Chris Christie's waistline, Marco Rubio's hairline, and our raging obsession with superficiality

As a conservative, I'm fearful about the negative political consequences that will follow this action. Don't get me wrong, I'm opposed to Chuck Hagel's appointment as secretary of defense. I believe his judgments on Afghanistan and Iraq have been seriously problematic. I have real concerns over his commitment to preventing an Iranian nuclear weapon. And I fear he's being used by President Obama to put a GOP face on future defense cuts.

But I also respect that Chuck Hagel is a patriot. He won two Purple Hearts in Vietnam, serving his country when many of his political contemporaries did not. And as my grandfather, a USMC veteran of the Pacific War (and die-hard Republican), put it, "He was an
infantry guy. He deserves a few stars for that."

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While he might not be deserving of a yes vote, Chuck Hagel damn well deserved a vote.

And Thursday's filibuster wasn't just immoral; it was also an act of supreme political idiocy.

SEE MORE: Besides that water break, how was Marco Rubio's speech?

It will only encourage partisan retrenchment on Capitol Hill at a time when the American people desperately need a bipartisan approach to problems. It will empower those who wish to rid Congress of the filibuster, which, for all its complexities, remains a crucial guard against the tyranny of the majority.

But mainly, for Republicans, this filibuster was a pointless act of self-destruction. Nearly everyone on Capitol Hill agrees that within a couple of weeks, Chuck Hagel will be in the secretary's office at the Pentagon. This filibuster didn't change anything ? except to gift Democrats a timely and almost unbelievably useful PR coup.

SEE MORE: How Marco Rubio rescued his awkward water break moment

At the beginning of March, the sequester cuts are scheduled to kick in. Although Obama is desperate to avoid these spending reductions, he's also highly reluctant to engage in the kind of compromise (entitlement reform) that's needed to save younger generations from a future of suffocating debt. Until the Hagel debacle, Republicans had a major advantage going into these looming negotiations. Pointing to their own acquiescence to tax increases during the January fiscal cliff negotiations, the GOP could have used the sequester deadline to sell a simple, honest, and salient message to the American people: "We agreed to $600 billion in new taxes, and now we're asking for some common sense reciprocity. The president says he wants compromise, but the facts say different." While Republicans can still make this case (and frankly, the severity of the debt problem means that they must), it?s going to have a lot less of an impact on voters.?

Why? Because you can be sure that the White House will play the Hagel filibuster to its advantage. "Republicans in Congress," the White House will say, "have proven that they aren't interested in common-sense solutions. Instead, they've affirmed their preference for partisan posturing above the national interest." This is hypocrisy ? I believe that the president is the key obstacle to a comprehensive deal on the debt. But success in politics is like beauty in Hollywood: Perception is often more important than reality.

SEE MORE: Memo to Marco Rubio: Don't do it!

Addressing America's national debt is the most pivotal political issue of our time. The GOP just made that job a lot harder.

Tom Rogan is a conservative writer who blogs at? Follow him on Twitter:?@TomRoganTweets.

SEE MORE: State of the Union: Will Rand Paul upstage Marco Rubio's response to Obama?

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TV Pick: Google And the World Brain

What does it take to collect every word in every book in every language on earth? That's a question even Google can't answer yet - but that hasn't stopped it from trying. The search giant's quest to collate every word ever written has led it to some of the most impressive libraries on the planet, but also into a series of high-profile legal battles. Ben Lewis' documentary, which originally aired at Sundance, shows how far Google has come - while authors and publishers across the globe have resisted, the site already has 20million books scanned and counting. Whether you think it's Orwellian or the future of publishing, it's certainly a fascinating project.

Google And The World Brain is on tonight at 10pm on BBC 4.?

Oliver Franklin

Oliver Franklin is features assistant. He has also written for Wired, Men?s Health and the London Evening Standard.


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Monday, February 18, 2013

Reminder: HTC wants to show us something tomorrow, and we'll be there blogging it live


HTC keeps trying to tease everybody about what may be in store for tomorrow's event, and you can find out just as soon as they tell the world by tuning in to the live blog tomorrow. We'll be on-site in both New York and London, giving you the play-by-play as it happens.

While the details are all still shrouded in rumor, we expect to see HTC latest Android phone in all it's glory. Whether it be called the M7 or the HTC One, we're all sure to find plenty to love or hate about the device before we ever get our hands on it. 

So be there at 10 AM Eastern tomorrow, and let's talk a little bit about phones.


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The Rome Confluence 2013 ?makers? event focuses on innovation, invention and trends of the future

The Rome Confluence 2013 ?makers? event focuses on innovation, invention and trends of the future

by Doug Walker, Associate Editor Rn T.Com

History will meet the future in Rome later this week when the DeSoto Theatre ? the first theater built in the South for talkies ? hosts the Greater Rome Chamber of Commerce Confluence Conference 2013.

The two-day conference will focus on innovation, invention and inspiration.

Keynote speaker Chris Anderson, former editor-in-chief of Wired magazine, will open the event Thursday morning with his presentation titled ?Makers: The New Industrial Revolution.? Anderson will examine the burgeoning micro-manufacturing sector. He is also the founder of 3DRobotics.

A variety of discussions will continue at the DeSoto on Thursday morning and early in the afternoon until a series of breakout sessions begin at 3:15 p.m. Thursday.

An ?Innovation in Education? session is planned at the Rome Area History Museum. ?Lean Implementation in Manufacturing? and ?Healthcare Innovation? sessions are scheduled at The Forum.

Thursday night?s activities will conclude with a Maker Bazaar and Business After Hours at 7 Hills Make Space, 336 Broad St., from 5 to 7 p.m.

Friday morning?s program, back at the DeSoto Theatre, will feature a series of four presentations.

Amy Cortese, an award-winning journalist, will discuss ?Locavesting? at 8:45 a.m. followed with ?Technology: Making Small Business Competitive? by Danielle Herzberg, partner channel member with HubSpot.

At 10:30 a.m. Stephen Fleming, vice president of enterprise innovation at Georgia Tech, will speak about the ?Top Five Technology Trends in 2013.? The conference will conclude with ?Rules for Innovating Within Enterprise? featuring Earl Robinson, a manufacturing operations analyst from Boeing.

The auditorium at the DeSoto Theatre seats almost 500, and tickets are still available. Students and educators can purchase tickets for $30, Chamber of Commerce members can get a ticket for $125, and non-Chamber member?s tickets cost $175. All tickets come with a copy of Anderson?s newest book, ?Makers: The New Industrial Revolution.?

Lowell Pratt, the Chamber?s director of entrepreneurship and innovation, said between 250 and 300 tickets for the event already have been sold.


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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Social media helps keep friends, families connected during tornado

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NBA All-Star Game 2013: Predictions for Sunday Night's Star-Studded Matchup

There will be plenty of thrills, smiles and highlight-reel plays when the 62nd annual NBA All-Star Game tips off from the Toyota Center in Houston on Sunday night.

The NBA's best will meet for bragging rights this weekend, capping off All-Star weekend 2013 with the the break's most anticipated event, the East vs. West All-Star Game. The East leads the all-time series 36-25 dating back to 1951, but the West has owned the event over the last two years, averaging 150 points per game since 2011.

With tipoff on the horizon, we'll put on our prediction hats for the NBA's main event this weekend.


LeBron's Dunks Will Steal the Show

LeBron James has no interest in the Slam Dunk Contest, but that doesn't mean hanging from the rim is off-limits on Sunday night.?

We've seen LeBron throw down eye-popping jams all season long with defenders draped all over him, so just imagine what the two-time All-Star Game MVP has in store for fans in Houston this weekend.?

Last year and in years prior, LeBron has teased fans around the globe with some impressive in-game dunks at the All-Star Game. The fact that he throws down some of the most challenging dunks with ease is what makes his high-flying exhibits of athleticism so compelling.?

Who knows how many points LeBron will score this weekend? Regardless, he's sure to put away a few noteworthy jams in transition.


West Will Reign Supreme?

Which side will come away with the win on Sunday?

    Which side will come away with the win on Sunday?

  • East

  • West

Although this defenseless matchup could go either way, I'm predicting that the Western Conference will win the All-Star Game for the third straight year.?

Though both sides are loaded with superstar talent, I believe the West's squad boasts more quality scorers. Kevin Durant, Kobe Bryant and James Harden each rank in the top five in scoring this season, and Durant and Kobe have combined to win the game's MVP award five times over the years.

I look for the West's trio of dynamic scorers to outdo LeBron James and company on Sunday night, as they have in the past two years.?

The last time a side won three straight in the All-Star Game was in 2004, with the West coming away with the victory.


Durant Will Win MVP for Second Straight Year

NBA legend Bob Pettit was the first and last player to win back-to-back All-Star Game MVPs. He accomplished the feat more than five decades ago, in 1959.

If anyone is capable of joining Pettit on such an elite list of back-to-back winners of the award, it's the 6'9" scoring machine, Kevin Durant. The Oklahoma City Thunder star poured in 36 points last year to power the West and he will be the favorite to do it again in 2013.

Durant is leading the league in scoring this season, averaging over 29 points per night. Plus, the four-time NBA All-Star is averaging 35 points per game through two career ASG starts, which bodes well for him on Sunday night.

Given his ability to get to the rim, nail outside shots and convert almost every time from the foul line, Durant has got to be the hands-down favorite to take home MVP honors in 2013.


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