Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Knock out your competition before your prospect ever asks the price ...

In most political campaigns you can knock off your competition before a single vote is cast?

In Chicago, for example, you need 757 signatures on a petition to get your name on a ballot for a campaign.

Competitors can (and often do) challenge the validity of their competition?s signatures and petitions.

And if enough of them are found to be invalid and a candidate falls shy of the 757 needed, they are knocked off the ballot.

Which means less competition for the candidates who remain and fewer choices for voters.

This, of course, is good news for the candidates still standing.

This is similar to what you want to do in business ? knock the competition off so that you become their only real choice.

If you don?t, you could end up competing on price ? something you don?t want to do.

Fortunately, in business you can do this in a much more ethical way?by giving prospects enough information to make price a non-issue.

If you doubt this, think about the times you?ve paid more than you normally would for something because you were convinced the quality was better and that you were getting good value for your money.

The same idea applies when you are selling your products and services.

You want to remove the apprehension prospects have for using your products or services and convince them you are their only real choice, no matter what you charge.

Now there may be someone who offers a better product or service than you do. But, if you prepare your client, customer or patient correctly, they will be convinced YOU are the best choice for them.

How to prepare a prospect to purchase your products or services

There are a lot of different ways you can build up your image with a client and pave the way for them to want to use your products and services over your competitor?s. ??Below are some examples of things you can do or send to clients to create that frenzy that makes them have to have you.

1)????? Create case studies. Case studies are success stories which showcase how a customer of yours, using your product or service, was able to overcome a problem and experience success.? These can be written or done in a video format. Make sure you include the problem your customer was having, how your product or service was the solution to that problem and the results they had using your product or service.

2) Send testimonials. Include testimonials with everything you send. You can put some below your email signature. Create a page of testimonials to include with items you mail. Or even create videos and other testimonial pieces. ?To make these the most credible, be sure to include a first and last name (their title and/or company name can increase credibility too.) ?For example, if you sell a health product and you have a testimonial from a doctor who recommends your product to his patients, his testimonial will seem extremely believable and carry a lot of weight.

3) Send a ?shock and awe? package. When you signed up for your trial GKIC membership, you received a shock and awe package. And if you were at SuperConference this year, you saw several examples, including the package Marketer of the Year Walter Bergeron uses which includes a case that opens and plays a video and includes a treat for prospects?one of the famous New Orleans King Cakes.

Shock and awe packages are a great way to make a big impression on your prospect?especially when you are selling high dollar products or services. The package, designed to overwhelm the recipient, is stuffed full of a variety of materials and convincing information and delivered to him or her unexpectedly.

Typically the package arrives in a large box by courier or some other impressive delivery service.

Here are some of the items you might want to include:

  • Folders or binders with testimonials and case studies about you
  • A sales letter
  • DVD?s of yourself giving a presentation
  • A collection of articles you?ve written or that have been written about you, your product or service
  • A book you?ve written or if you don?t have your own book yet, Dan Kennedy suggests you consider including a book about the topic or problem your product or service will solve that you recommend the client read to get a better understanding of the subject.
  • CD?s of audio recordings of interviews with you on tele-seminars
  • A sample of your product
  • Items relating to you, your product or service (For instance a high-end spa might send a pair of plush slippers or a robe.)

4) Send a CD or DVD of a speech you gave on a topic related to his problem. If you?ve given a speech on a topic related to your prospect?s problem, send a CD or DVD of it to him.? If you?re just starting out, you might think about joining a toastmasters club and practice giving speeches about topics related to your niche. Then ask someone to video you at an event so you?ll have a video to send out.

By giving prospects materials that demonstrate credibility and results, you will paint a picture of the success they will have when they use your products or services, eliminating your competition before price ever enters the picture.

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Author Info: ?Darcy Juarez has created marketing systems in the direct response and information marketing world that have gained national attention. As the Director of Marketing for GKIC , Darcy has taught thousands of business owners her step-by-step strategies for creating their own success and obtaining more time and more profits. For more money-making marketing tips, tactics and strategies, go to


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