Sunday, September 25, 2011

One on One roleplays wanted

Hi! So, I've been doing a lot of original rps lately, group ones mind you, and now I wish to break into the fandom writing again. I don't have set settings, since this is a fandom list, but I do have pairings and groups that I like to play in. Currently, I'm looking for someone to play Blaine Anderson from Glee. Obviously, my icon is Kurt Hummel and that is who I am comfortable playing. What other fandoms do I want to play in? Doctor Who is always agreeable, as is Supernatural, Bones, BBC Robin Hood, BBC Sherlock.

Now, I guess I should say what original things I'm wlling to play. I like any sort of pairing. M/M, M/F...etc. I play both men and women and am a literate-advanced poster. Currently, I am looking to play either my sea-dragon (named Ronan), or an elven-like creature named Scraps. I'd post the character sheets here but that's a lot of reading and I'd rather not overwhelm anyone. I'm also interested in twisting about fairy-tales, working within a rebellion or even a general romance. I have storylines up to my eye-balls, but I like building them with other people, looking to see what character they play so that I can form a plot around that. My posting length is anywhere from 5 paragraphs to 14 paragraphs (1-3 pages) as long as my partner gives me something to work with. I hope to hear for you!

So, in closing:

Am Looking For:
Blaine Anderson***** (REALLY WANT)
OCs **** (Good OCs are always welcome)
Fandom based characters.

Character Profile Sheet Examples (The sort of work I put into, when I make a character)

Posting Example
the-greatest-show-the-universe-t62971.html (Third Post)


god rush il divo il divo jon huntsman bliss miss universe 2011

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