Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Nurses recall tornado's fury on Moore hospital

>>> moore, oklahoma. i am joined by nick and shannon . they were both on duty at the hospital here in moore and had to help move patients to safety as the tornado approached. shannon , i imagine it was a lot of feelings of helplessness when a tornado is approaching. who could feel more helpless than patients in hospital beds that can't do anything for themselves. what did you have to do?

>> you know, that was our job that day was to make sure the patients felt safe and the staff felt safe, so we were confident in what we were doing. we knew we needed to take care of them to protect them and ourselves, and we just did what we needed to do.

>> nick, did the patients know how serious the threat was as it was approaching?

>> i have a feeling most patients knew it was serious. we try to be careful, not scare anybody, let them know it is a serious situation, need to get everybody safe. you know, everybody was calm, patients, community members showed up to seek shelter were calm, we were able to move everybody quickly and efficiently.

>> so the hospital was shelter for people in the area that decided that would be the place they wanted to be?

>> yes. we had a lot of community members show up at the hospital seeking shelter minutes before the tornado hit and we had folks posted in different positions by entrances, kind of funneling them forward to safe areas of the hospital.

>> what are the safe areas. where did you move the patients to?

>> my patients were initially on second floor, and what we normally do in that situation is move them to the hallway and close the windows and doors away from windows and doors. we knew that we were probably going to get hit. we made the decision to move them downstairs into an interior part of the building in the emergency department where nick's patients were.

>> what about patients that need the most treatment, patients who are in intensive care . what do you do with them?

>> what we basically do, try to do, make sure we knew which were the most serious, kept track of patients in the hospital at the time, then when it is time to evacuate, arrange in an order to be transported out first. within getting patients out of the building, across to the warren theater, and making sure everybody was safe, i believe the first patient left probably within three to four minutes, us getting out of the building to the warren theater.

>> how many patients did you have to evacuate?

>> there were 30 patients in the building at the time, 9 were shannon 's patients. had four more ob patients, labor and delivery, and also had four patients, outpatients getting lab tests and other things.

>> patients and personnel, were they all out by the time the tornado hit?

>> we did a really great job of identifying a quick exit. we had enough personnel to help move patients out. we had some obstacles getting out of the building, but we were able to make it out and across the street, and we got everybody out safely.

>> they would not have survived if you hadn't gotten them out of there, looks like a total disaster area .

>> yeah, we moved everybody that was in the building was in the center most part of the building. we saw surprisingly few injuries. knicks, bruises, scrapes, a few cuts here and there. everybody inside that building, we were thinking there were 250 to 300 in the building at the time, and everybody was safe, as safe as they could possibly be.

>> nick, shannon , thank you for joining me. thank you for the work yesterday saving lives. really appreciate it.

>> thank you.

>> joining me by phone, the mayor of moore , glenn lewis . mr. mayor, thank you very much for joining us again tonight.

>> thank you, appreciate you guys getting our story out.

>> and mr. mayor, what does moore need most now?

>> right now we actually need people to get out of the way. we've got so many people coming from out of town to look at it that they're hampering our recovery efforts at this point.

>> and in terms of help from the state or federal assistance , are you getting everything you need?

>> absolutely. i got a call from president obama , he's offered all the resources that we can use, anything we need basically is what he told us. the fema director himself came into the city this morning, bright and early. they have over 200 boots on the ground now. the governor has been here the whole time, she just went home. she was here last night. i mean, she has been phenomenal to work with. everyone tried to help their best. appreciate all of the help.

>> governor, i had a conference with the governor here in this location before the show, i asked her when she thought she might get to sleep. she seems to have no idea. mr. mayor, i am wondering about the opportunity comfortable the community -- for the community when they feel not safe in their homes. has moore as a community figured plans for that before situations like this?

>> well actually most of the people have safe rooms. a lot of the older areas do not have safe rooms. all the new houses, they basically, every one of them has a new safe room in it, so it is just the older part of town, a lot of which was hit. most people either have a safe room or storm shelter. we were very fortunate. we had 12 minutes of warning on this. a lot of people -- our city about 50,000 population. we had unfortunately 19 deaths, oklahoma city area had five. we are doing as good as we can right now.

>> mayor lewis, can you take us through what happened today on what turned out to be the very good news that there were many fewer lives lost in this tornado than we thought 24 hours ago. how did that news unfold for you?

>> i was actually walking through the neighborhood over there i believe with the governor when the news first came to us from the medical examiner's office from the state. it was quite surprising because we had been told all the time it was 51. and we're not sure where that number came from. the official report was 19, 24 total, but we were fortunate. still at the same time that's a lot of people that were killed in this tornado.

>> it really is a horrible loss. mayor glenn lewis , thank you very much for joining us tonight.

>> thank you, sir, appreciate it.


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The Time Keepers stop contamination from polluting the time stream. They police with absolute control. Against them stand a gathering group of Rouge Travelers, attempting to gain control of time from the Keepers and use it for their own ends...


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Tumblr Updates iOS App With New Path-Like Interface

tumblriosTumblr is still shipping.?Despite all the noise surrounding the Yahoo-Tumblr acquisition, the company has just pushed out an update to its iOS application introducing a new user interface that now includes the almost Path-like post chooser, previously introduced in the Android version. This interface design is becoming more common today, but it’s most reminiscent?of things like Mac’s Fan Stack feature, for example, or social network Path, which popularized the concept on mobile devices. For those unfamiliar, the post chooser is the button you tap to add content to your Tumblr blog, including text, photos, video, quotes, links and more. Now, instead of having a compose button at the bottom right of the screen that launches a page of these options as a starting point for your post, in the updated version of Tumblr’s iOS app, the compose button will fan out the choices overlaid on your current window?as small, round tappable buttons. The revamped interface is the most notable change in today’s update, though Tumblr for iOS now also allows for app attribution in posts, according to its description in iTunes. The iOS version of Tumblr’s application was updated just last month, at that time forgoing the then Android-only interface, in favor of a feature that actually made Tumblr’s infamous animated GIFs animate when you scrolled down. (At last!).?That release also introduced more social sharing options to sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instapaper and Pocket, and more, as well as additional gestures. The updated version of Tumblr for iOS is now live here in iTunes. In case you don’t remember how the iOS app looked before, here’s an earlier version showing the old post screen: (h/t parislemon)


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Monday, May 20, 2013

Evaluating Your Position And Improving It With Article Syndication ...

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One reason the Internet has become so popular thing to use is because of how easy it is to reach out or share things with other individuals. This is extremely beneficial for new business online. Read the following article for article advertising tips and techniques which can help you boost your business.

Set aside the AP style guide for the most part and focus on crafting interesting articles that are a conversational tone. Doing so will make your articles.You need to use the AP rules because they help create content that works great, but reduce restrictions for better search engine rankings.

Make your paragraphs short, so they are easier to read. It is important to streamline your article syndication endeavors if you make sure that not absolutely essential in getting your main message across.

If you?re not able to spend the time writing articles, time or skill to write articles, consider hiring someone to write the articles for you. Although having someone write for you will cost you money, you need to remember that your time is also worth money and that professionally written articles can dramatically increase the amount of traffic your website receives.

Wrap it up with a compelling call to action. Your readers will be more likely to act if you have made it easy to see how to do so.

Be careful when listening to people that claim to be experts in article advertising. That doesn?t mean their advice they provide is faulty.It just means that you shouldn?t take everything they say as the gospel truth.

You can engage a reader by starting the article with a joke. Just make sure that you are telling an appropriate and applies to the topic at hand.

The best article promotion campaigns have their own style and tone. Good writers let their personalities clear with their writing style.

While you will probably want to hit a certain word count with your articles, it is not something you should worry about when you do a first draft. The author?s own mind should have a sense about how lengthly the article should be. It is possible to trim the article during editing, or even chop a long article into two distinct pieces.

Unless your articles are intentionally purged by websites, they will remain on the web indefinitely, and can continue to refer some traffic to your site. You also use an article as a means of promoting other articles; this will gradually expand your network and glean followers.

Make sure that content actually match the topic you are covering. Search engines will eventually notice that your search rankings.

Each article should use between 500 and around 4 sentences per paragraph. Most article directories have this same criteria, and applying it to your writings will ease the distribution of the articles. You should make a good target is 300-400 words.

If you make articles that people will want to read, you?ll have a clear advantage. Articles that provide ?how to? information or diagrams are always popular.

Write your own words and not someone else?s. Don?t try to sound like an article if you find yourself running to a novice. Readers have the ability to tell that it isn?t your true voice in the writing style and the entire content might be judged as false.

The most important aspect of article submission is to have content that is unique. Google tends to rank newer articles which have something new to say higher than reprints. You needn?t spend a fortune on writing articles; there are many writers out there who work cheaply to provide you the content creation.

Automation is the best way to engage in article marketing and having spare time. There are many different programs that able capable of helping you; you just have to find one which meets your needs.Compare these applications and you can find one best suits your needs.

If you did not know about article advertising before, then you probably found this article to be of great help. You?ll discover that some of these concepts are simply common sense. It?s not magic and it?s certainly not a gimmick. These tips are perfectly legitimate?you just needed some help finding it!

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Last updated by Marcela at .


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Sunday, May 19, 2013

25+ top internet marketing and SEO forums to join [as of May 2013 ...

If you're in SEO and internet marketing niche, where do you promote your business and talk to industry peers?

Sure thing, there're lots of social media places where web promoters hang out, including Google+ communities, Quora, Facebook groups and such.

Yet there are good old forums that are also worth signing up to.

In this post, you'll find

  • Detailed description of top 5 SEO forums, with stats and a drilldown of marketing options
  • Exclusive official blurb from one of the top forum owners
  • A broader list of SEO forums, including non-English boards

Top 5 SEO forums and how I've chosen them

I'll start with a detailed description of 5 forums that work best for Link-Assistant.Com and me personally. They either bring us considerable traffic or my own faves because of helpful discussions. So it's a biased list to some extent, yet I do think these boards are really famous in the SEO world.

Note: stats on Alexa rank, Google PageRank, the number of members, posts and threads are relevant to the publication date only.

1. WarriorForum

Traffic in April 2013: 231,097 (according to Compete)

Registered: 1995

Alexa Traffic Rank: 227 (global), 167 (US)

Google PR: 5

Members: 598,841

Threads: 483,666

Posts: 6,466,044

Warriorforum is by far the biggest and probably the most renowned forum in the SEO world. We've been running an official account there for 2 years, and there are multiple benefits we've seen as a result:

-????????? speaking directly to our customers to get first-hand feedback

-????????? addressing common support issues publicly

-????????? reaching out to industry influencers and seeing them become our brand advocates and affiliates

-????????? announcing our important updates in the ad section

- ? ? ? ?? all sort of improved brand recognition: whenever a thread on SEO tools starts, there'll surely be several forum members who jump in and mention SEO PowerSuite. Sweet!

Warriorforum's threads are a mixed bag. Some of them are not very advanced, others answer difficult and specific SEO questions.

The best thing about Warriorforum is that there are dozens of fresh threads started every day, so if you're committed to adding value, you'll find great talks to join.

If you're promoting your product, consider the following marketing options:

(1) ?? Becoming a War Room Member. There is a one-time fee of $37 to come one. There's a list of benefits this category of members get, yet the major one I see is reputation. I noticed I tend putting more trust with people who have a red War Room Member note under their avatar: for me it's one of indications they endorse the community and are there to stay.

(2)??? Warrior Forum Classified Ads. Here you can post your updates that would be considered promotional in the main Adsense / PPC / SEO Discussion Forum. The cost of one announcement is 20 USD. Though not many members browse through the ad section, your thread will show up in search results in Google Discussions for relevant keywords, so you'll get your traffic anyway.

(3)??? Warrior Special Offers (WSOs). We did it once and I can't say it brought many sales, yet many people testify they're cool, so I included this marketing option here.

In a nutshell, a WSO is your exclusive deal for the warriorforum community. These would often be packaged link building services, ebooks on making money online, keyword tools and such. For the relevant WSO price quote, contact the forum support.

2. Ukbusinessforums

Traffic: no data

Registered: 1995

Alexa Traffic Rank: 7,295 (global), 646 (GB)

Google PR: 5

Members: 163,556

Threads: 225,040

Posts: 2,014,866

I like ukbusinessforums for their very special close-knit community atmosphere and meaningful discussions. I mean there are zero-value spamy threads as well, but if you encounter a talk of guys with 1,000+ post track, stay! They'll give you more SEO wisdom than you can take.

Ukbusinessforums are a must-have if you're based in the UK and/or your online business targets Many discussions cover local SEO tips, which is gives this board an extra edge.

If you've no connection to the UK, the forum is also helpful in many ways anyway. My personal fave is Sales, Marketing & PR section, very insightful.

What marketing options do brands have with ukbusinessforums?

Promoting business is better served through full membership, which is ?40 per year, ?30 renewal. It allows marketing your product or service directly in relevant sections and associates more trust with you among the members.

3. Trafficplanet

Traffic in April 2013: 37,484 (according to StatCounter)

Registered: 1995

Alexa Traffic Rank: 11,311

Google PR: 3

Members: 9,339

Posts: 58,610

Traffic Planet is another powerful player to look at. It was founded by Terry Kyle, who kindly shared his ideas with me on what Traffic Planet is about:

Traffic Planet was created because existing Internet Marketing forums like the Warrior Forum and Digital Point tend to have a big newbie member base - nothing wrong with that at all but inevitably online marketers have to 'graduate' to something more advanced.

In a way, Traffic Planet is 'postgrad Warrior Forum' and has a much bigger emphasis on conversions optimization, detailed how-to tutorials, online business management systems and live experiments (traffic and conversion) than Warrior Forum, a great place for newbie beginners to start.

In 2013, Traffic Planet will continue to be at the front of the revolution in conversions optimization that is now growing in Internet Marketing.

Terry Kyle, Founder, Traffic Planet


Many of SEOs who've been in the industry for a while should remember that Terry used to co-run another board, It ceased to exist a couple of years ago, and the majority of members switched to Traffic Planet, which is yet another proof the community hosts seasoned SEOs.

It's also a place to ask tough SEO questions. That said, it's great in bringing traffic.

There are banner and classified advertising options available. We once ran a classified thread and it worked out good. Classified ads are $40 a month, so if you're announcing something time-sensitive, like a sale, remember to cancel it for the second month.

4. BlackHatWorld

Traffic in April 2013: 81,364

Registered: 1995

Alexa Traffic Rank: 496

Google PR: 3

Members: 491,211

Despite the title and the possible first impression that joining means endorsement of something which is against Google Guidelines, BlackHatWorld is also a community that is worth your attention. You'll be surprised to find out there are many white hat guys pure there.

Discussion at BlackHatWorld might not always sound valuable from the SEO/internet marketing standpoint. It's a crowded and mixed place, and it's really hard to find SEO wisdom in the stream of one-liners flavored with skeletons on avatars.

What we do on BlackHatWorld is run a support account. Members often mention SEO PowerSuite and BuzzBundle and we want to make sure we're right there to handle their concerns or thank them for their mentions and feedback.

5. DigitalPoint

Traffic in April 2013: 88,174

Registered: 1999

Alexa Traffic Rank: 703

Google PR: n/a

Members: 684,297

Posts: 16,782,089

Threads: 2,219,512

Digital Point has become notorious for mostly spamy and low-quality discussions. It might not be #1 place to seek SEO knowledge, yet let's give the board its due: Digital Point is one of the oldest and the most crowded places and it's amazing from advertising standpoint.

In particular, keyword bids work wonders. These are inline text ads that show up in Digital Point threads. An advertiser feeds in a keyword list and suggests maximum CPC bid. If someone mentions your keyword in a post and your bid is the highest, there'll be a link to your site.

Just make sure you have a really long list of keywords (we have about a hundred phrases) and the keywords are tailored to fit forum posts naturally.

And it really works: even moderate investment brings hundreds of Visits monthly.

More SEO forums

There are also quite a number of forums that didn't make the major list, still I'm gonna enumerate them below.

Please note that I didn't include them to the upper section of this post not because they are worse or less efficient or host fewer pros. It's just because I'm personally not quite familiar with them or I tried them previously but didn't stay for some reasons.

But they may work well for you, so I encourage you to go through a broader SEO forum list:

google webmaster central







tycoon talk



Essential non-English SEO forums (in French) (in Spanish) (in Polish) (in Russian)

Find SEO forums with BuzzBundle

Also don't forget that BuzzBundle is an amazing tool to find hot forum discussions and add new boards to your list of SEO forums.

Download BuzzBundle now and find communities where most relevant talks take place this very moment!?

YOUR favorite SEO forums

Over to you now. And are you an active member of any forums? Did you join for marketing or for learning? Have I missed any crucial SEO boards? Share your ideas in the comments!


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Tips Before Buying Your Own Hearing Aids ? Hot Article Depot

People who happen to have ear issues no longer have to deal with the problem of having to bear with the condition and the inconveniences that it brings alone. These days, people can now choose to get special devices that will allow them to enjoy the joys of being able to hear once more, all they have to do is find the right hearing aids.

There will be a lot of things that one is expected to do before he should determine if indeed these devices would be the best choice for him. He cannot just walk through clinics offering these instruments and have one be attached to his ears right away. There will be preparations that need to get done first.

Check ups are crucial before people should opt for the use of these devices. They cannot just choose to start wearing these appliances because they feel like they wanted to. They need to make sure that they get to see a reliable ear doctor first before they should decide whether wearing one is a god idea or not. Though theirs is the final decision, it is up to the doctor to recommend whether the appliance is necessary.

People should know that there have been many instances when problems like these have been checked by ear doctors and it turned out that they are only temporary. This is a good thing as oftentimes, with the right prescription medicines issued by the medical providers, it will be easier for people to properly cope with the situation. So, proper check up is always highly necessary.

You need to rely on the suggestions of your ear doctor if he will find whether the hearing aids are going to be beneficial for you or not. It is up to him to decide whether it would best for you to start wearing it. Thus, consulting with a really reliable professional, a highly qualified provider and an efficient ear doctor is always crucial towards making sure that you get the most out of the experience.

Be sure to take note of the specifications of these devices. You cannot expect to find a certain unit lying around and expect it to offer you the kind of relief that you require just to ensure that you will have your issues properly corrected. No. It doesn?t always work that way. You need to make sure that you will get one suitable for your current condition first for it to even work.

You need to check out the style in which these devices are made of. Sure, you are buying them for the practical purposes that they serve. However, , ore importantly, you want to ensure too that when you start wearing them, they won?t be as noticeable as possible. Some people might jeer at you or throw snide comments at you for your handicap. So, making sure that you get to lie low on things will often help.

Buy hearing aids which you will be able to easily afford. You would prefer to be going for units that are considered competitively priced. This way, you are confident that the item you will need to purchase will be something which you shouldn?t have a hard time covering for. Financially, that is.

You can visit the website for more helpful information about Tips Before Buying Your Own Hearing Aids


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Mars rover Opportunity examines clay clues in rock

May 18, 2013 ? NASA's senior Mars rover, Opportunity, is driving to a new study area after a dramatic finish to 20 months on "Cape York" with examination of a rock intensely altered by water.

The fractured rock, called "Esperance," provides evidence about a wet ancient environment possibly favorable for life. The mission's principal investigator, Steve Squyres of Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., said, "Esperance was so important, we committed several weeks to getting this one measurement of it, even though we knew the clock was ticking."

The mission's engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., had set this week as a deadline for starting a drive toward "Solander Point," where the team plans to keep Opportunity working during its next Martian winter.

"What's so special about Esperance is that there was enough water not only for reactions that produced clay minerals, but also enough to flush out ions set loose by those reactions, so that Opportunity can clearly see the alteration," said Scott McLennan of the State University of New York, Stony Brook, a long-term planner for Opportunity's science team.

This rock's composition is unlike any other Opportunity has investigated during nine years on Mars -- higher in aluminum and silica, lower in calcium and iron.

The next destination, Solander Point, and the area Opportunity is leaving, Cape York, both are segments of the rim of Endeavour Crater, which spans 14 miles (22 kilometers) across. The planned driving route to Solander Point is about 1.4 miles (2.2 kilometers). Cape York has been Opportunity's home since the rover arrived at the western edge of Endeavour in mid-2011 after a two-year trek from a smaller crater.

"Based on our current solar-array dust models, we intend to reach an area of 15 degrees northerly tilt before Opportunity's sixth Martian winter," said JPL's Scott Lever, mission manager. "Solander Point gives us that tilt and may allow us to move around quite a bit for winter science observations."

Northerly tilt increases output from the rover's solar panels during southern-hemisphere winter. Daily sunshine for Opportunity will reach winter minimum in February 2014. The rover needs to be on a favorable slope well before then.

The first drive away from Esperance covered 81.7 feet (24.9 meters) on May 14. Three days earlier, Opportunity finished exposing a patch of the rock's interior with the rock abrasion tool. The team used a camera and spectrometer on the robotic arm to examine Esperance.

The team identified Esperance while exploring a portion of Cape York where the Compact Reconnaissance Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter had detected a clay mineral. Clays typically form in wet environments that are not harshly acidic. For years, Opportunity had been finding evidence for ancient wet environments that were very acidic. The CRISM findings prompted the rover team to investigate the area where clay had been detected from orbit. There, they found an outcrop called "Whitewater Lake," containing a small amount of clay from alteration by exposure to water.

"There appears to have been extensive, but weak, alteration of Whitewater Lake, but intense alteration of Esperance along fractures that provided conduits for fluid flow," Squyres said. "Water that moved through fractures during this rock's history would have provided more favorable conditions for biology than any other wet environment recorded in rocks Opportunity has seen."

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Project launched Opportunity to Mars on July 7, 2003, about a month after its twin rover, Spirit. Both were sent for three-month prime missions to study the history of wet environments on ancient Mars and continued working in extended missions. Spirit ceased operations in 2010.

JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Mars Exploration Rover Project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. For more about Opportunity, visit: and . You can follow the project on Twitter and on Facebook at: and .


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Saturday, May 18, 2013

'American Idol' Needs To Start From Scratch, Experts Say

'The show needs to reboot in a drastic way,' The Hollywood Reporter's Shirley Halperin tells MTV News.
By Gil Kaufman

Keith Urban, Nicki Minaj and Randy Jackson on "American Idol"
Photo: Fox


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Report: Torture evidence found in Syrian prisons

BEIRUT (AP) ? Rights activists visiting abandoned government prisons in the first Syrian city to come under rebel control have found torture devices and other evidence that detainees were abused there, Human Rights Watch said in a report Friday.

Raqqa, in eastern Syria, was overrun in late February by rebels fighting to topple President Bashar Assad. The rebels facilitated the New York-based group's access to facilities that had belonged to a government security agency and military intelligence in late April.

The HRW said its researchers found physical evidence that Syrians were tortured, including with a device which former detainees said was used to stretch or bend victims' arms and legs. The group also found documents indicating Raqqa residents were detained for legal actions like demonstrating or helping the injured.

Rights groups and opposition activists have long claimed that civilians have been detained arbitrarily, tortured, and sometimes have disappeared since the uprising against Assad's regime began. HRW's findings appear to be one of the largest finds of physical evidence bolstering those claims to date.

"The documents, prison cells, interrogation rooms, and torture devices we saw in the government's security facilities are consistent with the torture former detainees have described to us," said Nadim Houry, deputy Middle East director for HRW.

HRW has been documenting abuses on both sides of Syria's civil war during the 26 months of conflict.

The group says abuses by the Assad regime remain far more deadly, systematic and widespread, including attacks on civilians with indiscriminate battlefield weapons such as widely banned cluster bombs. But the rights group also says rebel abuses have increased in frequency and scale in recent months.

In Raqqa, the group's researchers inspected the State Security and Military Intelligence branches and three other detention centers formerly managed by Criminal Security, Political Security, and Air Force Intelligence. Government forces abandoned all these institutions, which are now controlled by the rebels, the group said.

Four former detainees said that officers and guards tortured them, HRW said.

One of them, identified in the report as Ahmed, a 24-year-old student from Raqqa, told HRW that he and his brother had been detained April 7, 2012 in the city's Military Intelligence branch on charges of participating in peaceful demonstrations. The group said it gave only first names of former detainees in the report for fear their testimonies could subject them or their families to further government harassment.

Ahmed said he and his brother had been beaten and tortured with electricity shocks for several hours a day throughout five days of detention. He told HRW that intelligence officers and prison guards wanted him to give up the names of other protesters.

"The torture started in turns between my brother and me," Ahmed said. "They started torturing him with electricity for three, four hours, and then they threw him in a solitary cell. They wanted me to tell them who used to go out to demonstrate with me . and they would make me hear my brother's screams."

The interrogators also threatened to detain his mother. Ahmed told HRW that the possibility of his mother being harmed made him confess to anything.

"Whatever it is you want, I am with you," he said he had told the interrogators. "I will fingerprint a white piece of paper, and you write what you want."

Ahmed was ultimately tried in a military court in the northern city of Aleppo. He was released from a civilian prison in Raqqa June 8, 2012, following a court decision to sentence him to time served, the report said.

He joined the rebels after his release and has been with a Raqqa-based opposition group known as the Islamic Front for Unity and Liberation, HRW said.

In one method of torture the HRW report details, the victim is tied to a flat board, sometimes in the shape of a cross. In some cases guards stretched or pulled their limbs or folded the board in half so that their face touched their legs, causing pain.

The group also interviewed five people formerly held by Military Intelligence in Raqqa. They said security services questioned them about lawful activities, such as participating in anti-Assad demonstrations, providing relief assistance to displaced families, defending detainees, and providing emergency assistance to injured demonstrators.

Syria's conflict started as a peaceful uprising in March 2011. It became an armed conflict when opposition supporters took up arms to fight a brutal government crackdown on dissent.

At least 70,000 people have been killed and millions forced out of their homes.

Over the past year Syria gradually descended into lawlessness, with a spike of kidnappings in largely rebel-controlled northern Syria as well as the government-held capital. Residents blame criminal groups that have ties to both the regime and the opposition for the abductions of wealthy residents traveling to Syria from neighboring Turkey and Lebanon.

On Friday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights expressed "grave concern" for the two bishops, who were abducted last month and have not been heard of since.

Gunmen pulled Bishop Boulos Yazigi of the Greek Orthodox Church and Bishop John Ibrahim of the Assyrian Orthodox Church from their car and killed their driver on April 22 while they were traveling outside the northern city of Aleppo. It was not clear who abducted the priests. No group has publically claimed it is holding the two clerics.

According to the Britain-based activist group the, the two were picked up at a checkpoint in Kfar Dael by Arabic-speaking foreign fighters believed to be from Chechnya

In a statement, the Observatory called on both sides in the civil war to secure their release.


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Search Engine Marketing, Internet Marketing Company | Sitofono ...

As businesses rely on the continuity of their promotional channels as an integral and strategic part of their business objectives, they need to concentrate more on their channels to face rapid pacing competition. Social mediums are quite effective, but are critical for business rankings. It may sometime leads to negative reviews and false comments, which is difficult to control or monitor. To help them overcome these growing vulnerabilities and challenges, internet marketing companies offer strategic approaches to social media marketing.? Their strategies are highly scalable to meet growth needs of a business.

Unquestionably, social media is one of the most prolific communication tools that business marketers are utilizing today. Internet marketing companies use their skills and experience to establish long-term connections with millions of potential users. In tangible terms, social media is all about making relationship, cooperation, continuous interaction, real-time sharing and consistent talks. Business marketers use social connection to amplify all the above given elements. In fact, all these elements provide new opportunities for businesses to concentrate on business expansion and growth.

In order to broaden the marketing reach, marketers use different types of social networking websites. They initiate their campaigns by analyzing the real value of your business. They measure the performance, results, and impact on the customers. Their analysis helps them to build a solid social media marketing strategy for absolute results. Marketers also analyze the prime requirements and expectations of the customers and the best way to connect with them. This type of strategies will help them to place your website in a particular niche. They start engaging customers through unique website content on social media networking sites. They make good use of Facebook,Twitter, Pinterest and You Tube to communicate regularly with the intended customers.

Social Media Strategy

Through solid in-depth research and analysis, online marketing professionals promote pictures, videos, blogs, articles, press releases, stories, announcements, and product reviews. They connect with the maximum number of customers to know their views on your brand or product or service. Internally, marketers analyze behavioral trends, keyword density and keywords phrases, quality of content, web stats, total number of inbound links, and business profiles. They use several tools and applications to monitor and measure performance. In fact, they also carry out extensive traffic analysis for that expected output.

Experienced social media marketing companies focus on creating unique, informative, and relevant content. They develop content for your products, brand, and services so that your customers get benefitted. They develop content to educate customers and to influence their buying decision. Marketers also push and optimize blog posts, articles, white papers, and profiles for extra advantage.

In essence, directional social media marketing efforts will lead to more visitors to your website, which results in greater brand awareness.

About Author:

Alex Smith is a ghost writer, contributing in search engine optimization, internet marketing, social media optimization, online reputation management etc. He helps clients getting high rank and generates only targeted traffic from genuine sources.


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Kai The Homeless Hitchhiker Wanted For Murder!! (VIDEOS)

Kai the homeless hitchhiker a murderer?An internet celebrity known to most of us as “Kai the Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker” is wanted for murder in the killing of a New Jersey man. The Union County Prosecutor’s Office says police are searching for “Kai” Caleb Lawrence McGillvary, who they believe is responsible for the death of the 73-year-old lawyer. The 24-year-old Internet ...

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Friday, May 17, 2013

Comedian Meyers to stay at NBC's 'SNL' ahead of 'Late Night' gig

(Reuters) - "Saturday Night Live" cast member Seth Meyers said on Thursday that he will stay on at the NBC live television comedy show until the end of the year, before he begins hosting the network's "Late Night" talk show in February 2014.

Meyers, 39, will take the reins from Jimmy Fallon on "Late Night" in a programming shuffle at NBC. Fallon will succeed Jay Leno as host of the earlier "Tonight Show."

Meyer's announcement comes ahead of the "SNL" Saturday season finale, which is expected to be the final show for several longtime cast members.

"I'm nowhere near emotionally ready for Saturday to be my last show," Meyers said on NBC's "Today" show. "I am going to go back to 'SNL' in the fall and do the first half of the" television season.

Comedian Bill Hader said earlier this week he will leave "Saturday Night Live" after this season. The show has served as a career springboard for several former cast members including Will Ferrell, Chevy Chase and Tina Fey.

Longtime cast members Fred Armisen and Jason Sudeikis are also expected to leave the show, though representatives at NBC would not comment on cast departures.

Meyers has been an 'SNL' cast member since 2001 and host of its "Weekend Update" news segment since 2006.

NBC is owned by Comcast Corp.

(Reporting by Eric Kelsey, Editing by Piya Sinha-Roy and Philip Barbara)


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White House to focus on mental health following Newtown (Washington Bureau)

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Better Business Bureau Alerts Consumers About Travel Discount ...

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Better Business Bureau is expressing concerns about a company claiming to offer discounted travel packages after customers have complained about not receiving what they purchased.

A spokeswoman for the Better Business Bureau is not calling Omaha Travel a scam, but she said the company is at least being dishonest with consumers.

"They are falsely claiming to be BBB accredited, which we want to make sure consumers understand they are not," said Robbie Namee, a Better Business Bureau spokeswoman.

That is just one of the problems Namee's organization has with Omaha Travel.

The company claims to offer great travel deals. For example, it's website boasts travel packages to Italy that start at just $35. However, consumers are running into problems other than hidden fees, Namee said.

"They're not honoring their promises," she said. "On refunds, they're saying that the consumers didn't follow their procedures properly, so they're throwing it back on the consumer."

Two Better Business Bureau Investigators recently attended an event hosted by Omaha Travel. Namee said company representatives were unable to answer some of their questions.

"Who owns the company? When was the company started? Basic information," Namee said.

Most web search engines do not return results for Omaha Travel. The website,, does not include a business address. According to a Better Business Bureau consumer alert, past address provided by Omaha Travel have proven to be phony.

A call Wednesday to the customer service phone number listed on the Omaha Travel website was answered by an automated message sending the caller to a voicemail box. A message sent to the company's customer service e-mail has not been answered.

Namee said anybody looking for good travel deals should begin the search close to home with local travel agents.

"I think it's always good to stick with your community and do business within the community," she said. "I think that's important."


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Hillary Clinton Has The Most To Lose From Obama's Scandals

Conventional wisdom has long held that Hillary Clinton, if she runs for president, would be the clear frontrunner for the Democratic nomination in 2016. But after a trifecta of scandals buffeting President Obama ? fresh questions about the White House?s veracity on Benghazi, the IRS?s harassment of conservative non-profits and the Justice Department seizure ofAP telephone records ? Clinton's close connections with Obama could become politically problematic.

Some Republicans believe that revelations about the Benghazi operation could lead to unflattering details that cast questions about Clinton?s stewardship at the State Department. If there was any attempt to downplay the details of what transpired for political reasons, the blowback would be serious. But Clinton could have more to lose over the general tenor of scandal that?s lately suffused this administration. If the media focus shifts from Obama?s second-term legacy to second-term scandal, it would cast a cloud over those looking to capitalize on his coattails.

The last week has been rough for the president. As political analyst Stuart Rothenberg wrote Tuesday, a confident administration now looks ?out of touch and unresponsive.? He warns if the controversies worsen, ?many Americans will start to doubt his administration?s veracity and values.? The conservative narrative of the Obama White House as hyper-politicized and thin-skinned about its opposition is starting to resemble reality.? If that image begins to stick, it will be hard to shake off.

Clinton knows all too well about how scandal can intensify the public's desire for change, both when she ran her first presidential race against Obama in 2008, and at the conclusion of her husband?s second term. Public dissatisfaction with George W. Bush made Democratic party voters looking for someone disconnected from the decision to go to war with Iraq. Enter Obama. Nearly a decade earlier, then-Vice President Al Gore awkwardly tried to distance himself from his former boss in the wake of Bill Clinton?s sex scandal, despite voters? widespread approval of Clinton?s policies.?

Until this week, it seemed obvious that the next Democratic presidential nominee would be running on Obama?s legacy. He's maintained his popularity with the liberal base. His job approval numbers, despite troubles passing his agenda through Congress, have been decent, hovering around the 50 percent mark. He appeared content blaming legislative gridlock on a GOP-controlled House in the run-up to the 2014 midterms, even repeating that argument at a fundraiser in the midst of the feeding frenzy Monday. Immigration reform could become law, though it will be hard to summon the necessary goodwill with Republicans given what?s transpired.

The Clintons expected that voters would welcome the equivalent of a third Obama term. She accepted the job as Secretary of State after a grueling campaign against Obama, recognizing the benefits to her long-term interests. Bill Clinton tirelessly campaigned for Obama in 2012, probably expecting some chits to be repaid down the road. Before leaving, she sat down with the president on ?60 Minutes? receiving largely softball questions about her performance at State. Her own approval ratings, at least before the Benghazi hearings, were near all-time highs.

But by being so closely tied to Obama, she could reap some blowback if any of these scandals metastasize. If they do, Democratic voters may be looking for a fresher face, someone who has spent less time in Washington.

To be sure, if she ran, Clinton would enter a 2016 race with numerous advantages. There?s a sparse bench of national Democratic prospects behind her, with Maryland Gov. Martin O?Malley, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, and New York Gov. Anthony Cuomo among those waiting in the wings.? Vice President Joe Biden, whose approval ratings have always trailed the president?s, would enter a race with similar baggage if Obama?s popularity turned for the worse.?

Outside the White House, many Democrats have been frustrated that the president?s political operation hasn?t spent enough time building up the party during his time in office, focused on his brand over the broader needs of Democrats. Obama-allied groups, like Organizing for Action, have taken up many of the responsibilities the Democratic National Committee normally handles. ?The historic nature of Obama?s presidency hasn?t brought a new wave of black Democratic officeholders to Congress, as Politico?s Jonathan Martin detailed, despite his coalition?s dependence on them.

Clinton, by virtue of her service to Obama, was uniquely-positioned to capitalize on those ties. After a brutal 2008 campaign, she spent her time in Foggy Bottom cultivating an apolitical image ? aided by some aggressive political handlers ? while benefiting from the president?s broad popularity. The unusual void of top-tier Democratic talent made a presidential run all the more enticing.

But with scandal lurking, all those advantages could end up being for naught. Clinton knows something about being embarrassed by a president. Her political hopes may be disappointed by another.


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Long-term outcomes in patients with advanced coronary artery disease are better than expected

May 15, 2013 ? Death rates associated with patients with refractory angina, or chronic chest pain, are lower than previously considered; therefore, physicians should focus on relieving the chest pain symptoms and improving the quality of life in these patients according to an article published online this week in the European Heart Journal.

Refractory angina patients endure ongoing chest pain despite optimal medical management and for them, standard revascularization techniques, such as surgery or stenting, is no longer an option. Traditionally, these are the patients with the most advanced coronary artery disease, frequently referred to as "no-option patients."

"Importantly, this study describes the first long-term results from the largest and most contemporary follow-up of patients in a dedicated refractory angina clinic," says the study's first author Timothy D. Henry, MD, director of research at the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation. "Our results demonstrate that long-term mortality in patients with refractory angina is surprisingly low, below 4 percent per year."

The OPtions In Myocardial Ischemic Syndrome Therapy (OPTIMIST) program at the Minneapolis Heart Institute? at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis was created for refractory angina patients in 1996 to develop new treatment options for this challenging patient population. This study reflects the long-term survival and predictors of mortality.

The study population consisted of 1,200 consecutive patients with either refractory myocardial ischemia and/or refractory angina, who were not candidates for traditional revascularization and referred for alternative treatment strategies from 1996 to present.

Overall, 241 patients of the 1,200 died during a median follow-up of 5.1 years. After an analysis, the researchers determined mortality was 3.9 percent at one year and 28.4 percent at nine years.

"Currently, data on the incidence and prevalence of refractory angina are scarce and mainly derived from registries," explains Henry.

In addition to the low overall mortality, the results indicated non-cardiac death in nearly 30 percent of patients and a low incidence of sudden cardiac death.

Improved secondary prevention strategies, evidence-based medical therapy and more advanced revascularization techniques all likely contributed to lower mortality, concluded Henry and his colleagues in the paper.

"Widespread and improved adherence to medical medications combined with aggressive lifestyle changes, such as diet, exercise and smoking cessation, has contributed to lower overall mortality in patients with coronary artery disease, and this includes the highest-risk patients with refractory angina," Henry notes.

Based on the findings, more than 70 percent of patients with refractory angina can expect to survive nine years from the time of diagnosis. Given these results, the researchers emphasized that therapeutic options for this growing population should therefore focus on chest pain relief and improved quality of life.


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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

'American Idol' Finale Leaves Kree Harrison 'Speechless'

'I was definitely happy and looking forward to [the finale],' rival Candice Glover tells MTV News.
By Gil Kaufman


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Kevin Berthia, California Man, Reunites With Officer 8 Years After Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Attempt

In March 2005, Kevin Berthia climbed over the railing of the Golden Gate Bridge. Desperate and distressed, the young man was ready to jump to his death.

But thanks to the compassionate intervention of a California Highway Patrol (CHP) officer named Kevin Briggs, Berthia was talked off the bridge, and today, the 30-year-old is happily married with two children.

Last Wednesday, Briggs and Berthia reunited for the first time since 2005. According to the AP, the emotional reunion was part of a public service ceremony organized by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to honor the life-saving work of the CHP.

During the ceremony, Berthia was given the opportunity to present an award to the man who saved -- and transformed -- his life.

?It was phenomenal,? Berthia told Yahoo News of seeing Briggs again. ?I didn?t know what I was going to feel, or how I was going to react. But when I first saw him, he walked up me and I just shook his hand. It felt like I had known this man my whole life. The nerves weren?t there. It was just two old friends being reunited.?

Eight years ago, Briggs, who has been dubbed the "Guardian of the Golden Gate Bridge" for the hundreds of lives he's saved, spent about an hour talking to Berthia. The young man told Briggs about his troubles and the veteran officer, who has now worked for the CHP for more than 20 years, responded in turn with kindness and hope.

kevin berthia
Kevin Berthia is talked down by Kevin Briggs at the north tower of the Golden Gate Bridge on March 11, 2005. Berthia went on to marry and today has two children. (Credit: John Storey/San Francisco Chronicle/Corbis Images)

"He never made me feel guilty for being in the situation I was in," Berthia, who still lives in the Bay Area, told the AP. "He made me feel like, 'I understand why you are here, but there are alternatives.' That an individual who doesn't even know me could listen to me and hear my story and show me compassion gave me another reason maybe to try again."

Though the Golden Gate Bridge is known as being one of the world's most active suicide locations, it is also a place where lives are frequently being saved. According to the AP, thousands of people have been talked out of committing suicide at Golden Gate by the CHP, U.S. Park Police and bridge security officers.

"I've never actually counted the number, but it's been numerous people," Briggs previously told Yahoo of the number of people he's saved. "Maybe two a month."

Though Briggs is unquestionably a hero, the humble officer insists that the life-saving work is a team effort.

"What I'd like to get across now is the amount of people I work with and what they go through with these efforts," he told San Rafael Patch last year. "We really do try to help the people out there. Each situation is independent of the other. I just try to get to the heart of the matter in each case, and I would expect my officers to do the same."

Need help? In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

For more on Briggs, watch this 2012 Yahoo video profile on the veteran officer:

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