Saturday, April 27, 2013


Q: So how does this Sponsor thing work?

A: Well, Sponsorship was set up to allow vampires the opportunity to become equal citizens. In our roleplay, we have a minimum requirement of one Sponsor needed to start the game. Ideally, however, we?ll have five different Sponsors for each vampire type. Instead of the usual RP thing where people get paired, this is more like each Sponsor is responsible for their group, but will still be interacting quite a bit with the other vampires and Sponsors. However, it may turn out as a pairing if their?s only one vampire of a specific type.

I?m mostly having it set up so that the roleplay?s Sponsors-to-be come to the University in this year?s batch of transfer students, unfamiliar with the ways of vampire segregation. However, if you ask, I?ll be allowing one or two people to already be Sponsors at the start of the game.

Q: So how does the human Gift work?

A: Unlike Normal Vampires, who's powers are strictly elemental, a human Gift could be anything. A magic touch in the garden, better with numbers than a calculator, super-endurance. This is normally an extremely buffed-up skill/talent.

Q: So how does the Witch Vampire's craft type work?

A: It's sorta like how different types of magic-casters in different cultures use their craft differently. Some use voodoo, others use runes, and others use alchemy. It's very open, and largely up to the player to decide the individual strengths and weaknesses of their craft. However, no god-modding, of course. Every strength results in a weakness.

Q: Do the pictures have to be anime?

A: Technically, no. However, they cannot be real people. I, personally, prefer anime (easier to find pictures), but I have done face-claims and such before. I?ve noticed that the different types of roleplays (real, realistic, and anime) all have different kinds of ?feels?. This roleplay in particular is going to have a light-hearted anime feel most of the time, but will also have it?s real/realistic moments and undertones. For example, the characters in this RP are capable of comically eating massive amounts of food, but I?m not going to allow them to do so when the mood is serious.

As such, and because I understand anime images make some people uncomfortable, I?ll also be allowing either an extensively-written description or a semi-realistic image as a substitute.

Q: Clarify the Empathic Vampire's power?

A: Here?s how it works, using our anger/fire guy as an example.The more angry he is personally, the hotter/higher quality the flame will be. The more angry the people around him are, the more quantity of that flame there?ll be.

Let?s say he wants to use his power, but he?s not angry. His flame will be pretty wimpy. Okay, so what if if he?s not angry, but the people around him are? The power backing his flame will increase, but it?s amount will increase much more. If he?s the only one who?s mad, however, his flame would be super hot, but there would only be a little bit of it. However, it does NOT have to be an elemental power. More often, it's something psychic-related (like telepathy), or in a category of of it's own (like light or moving dust particles).

Q: Do have any certain way you want them to be changed into a vampire?

A: Well there?s a number of ways you could go about doing it. Involving venom, blood, and genes.

One could have the change forced upon them if bitten by a Demonic Vampire. Demonic Vampires are the only vampires that have the venom capable of doing so, and they can use this venom at will. However, the venom is a lot like saliva, and is known to just kinda come out by itself, causing accidents. The transformation would be incredibly painful. Demonic vampires are the only true immortal vampire and are essentially the undead. The human would die and then be reanimated.

One could change willingly if they share blood with a vampire. It can be any type of vampire, but it has to be willing. This change is extremely dangerous for both parties, however, because it involves sucking out the majority of the human?s blood, then replacing it with vampiric blood.

Finally, one could change by accident, or just out of the blue if vampirism runs in the family. And I?m not saying Mom or Dad, more like a Great-great-great Aunt. It has to be a distant relation, otherwise they simply would?ve been born a vampire. This change often comes out of nowhere, soon after puberty?s over, or during.

Q: Are vampires immortal?

A: Yes and no, it really depends on the type. Vampires, in general, live longer and are harder to kill than humans. This is nature?s response to the fact that there are fewer vampires than humans.

Empathic and Witch Vampires are the most similar to humans, they don?t even really need blood. They live for hundreds of years, but it?s rare to see one over 500. Normal and Human-Turned Vampires can expect to live twice that amount, but since they rely on blood (which they can?t really get this day and age) they typically die sooner. A Shapeshifting Vampire can expect to live a life much like their animal; if they transform into a rabbit, they?ll probably live only to 100. If they transform into a turtle, they'll probably live for a very, very long time. Demonic Vampires, however, live forever if not killed. Even without blood, though that?s an withered existence that can be likened to that of a fate worse than death.


Chaz Ebert Mike Rice yu darvish Skylar Diggins kim jong un lollapalooza Facebook Phone

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