Saturday, June 16, 2012

Video: Romney kicks off bus tour with attack on Obama

>>> we're following developing new, the president announcing a change in deportation policy. let me bring in democratic strategist jimy williams . thank you for sticking around with me.

>> sure.

>> as it stands, when you look at hallual barbour of mississippi and what senator marco rubio , a florida republican, it shows there's not a consistent message on how to respond to this announcement from the president today.

>> what the president did is provide a huge amount of leadership. i'm going to give him a massive amount of kudos. why did he have to do that? the senate has engaged in bush they have haven't taken the bill up. what the president has done is a unified message pretty much from all the senate and house democrats. i was surprised by former hallual bar boush, former governor from mississippi where this absolutely will not play well, but to come out on the other side of governor romney . that is surprising to me. i think what will be interesting is what governor brewer says, from arizona. i would like to hear what john mccain has to say about this.

>> but is it the more presses thing what the presumptive gnome knee has to say?

>> absolutely.

>> i would like to hear what the romney campaign has to say about this. we know his stance on immigration. by the way, they're going to use the word "amnesty." the last amnesty provided to any immigrants was done by ronald reagan in the 1980s .

>> i think jonathan al terr is in the hot seat, a lot to talk about, but your initial reaction, a surprise announce me on this friday. some are calling it immunity, amnesty, the president say flat-out that's not the case. you also have this divide action it seems, among republicans, governor haley barbour says cannot deport millions of people here. senator marco rubio says it is not a wise decision, it's a short-term, not a long-term solution, but collectively there's not a solid idea. we know what happened to governor of texas rick perry during that debate when he talked about having a heart when it came to these whirn who are in this country?

>> the republicans are in a very tough spot. the decision by the president was good policy, good common sense and good politics, because what this does is drives a bit of a wedge inside the republican party . we have mitt romney who during the primaries was talking about self-deportation, and he was hammering rick perry for showing just the slightest bit of compassion for young immigrants in texas who had been brought to this country at a very young age, had done nothing wrong in the slightest. they wanted to go to college, be productive citizens, and governor romney was saying, no, they should be deported with their families if they're here illegally. that argument is not going to work in a general election if you're trying to win hispanic votes. so the question to look for now, tamron, is how much will romney try to back away from the positions that he took during the primary, use marco rubio as political cover and end up with a more moderate position. what the position is trying to do today is lay down a marker to say i'm going to do the humane thing. if you try to match me, we're going to point out you flip flopped on this issue.

>> earlier today the romney campaign senior adviser kevin madden was on andrea mitchell . the bottom line, he put out whether this was political calculation versus policy calculation, is this really morguizing our immigration system. we know that george w. bush wanted to reform immigration. obviously he spent a great of his life in texas, knowing the snick of this issue and knowing perhaps what haley barbour said as well, you cannot move 11 million people out of this country. enchts the most il-advised thing romney did during the primaries, was to try to out-tough the others candidates on immigration. i think it was partly because he was vulnerable. remember he had employed an illegal aliens to do yardwork at his place in massachusetts. he was going to show that nobody could get to his right on immigration. he locked himself into a position that is inhumane and not smart politically.

>> but his effort to inch back, the conversation is directed to the economy, everything diverts back to the economy, which would be smart strategy, and that is the number one concern. no matter who you are right now.

>> that is a smart way for him to go. latinos who were especially hard hit by the foreclosure crisis. that's his best play . that's why you heard the president say when you're deporting these young people this could be protective parts of this country, so that's part of the president's response.

>> jimmy, let me play kevin madden on andrea mitchell in the last hour.

>> the criticism that you're going to hear from the president, which i think is substantive is he's making a political calculation versus a policy calculation. is this really modernizing our immigration system? that's something that will be up for debate. is that up for debate, despite the fact that the president is up significantly? maria tresso could you mar was with me, saying there's an enthusiasm problem within the community as it stands with the president.

>> i don't think anybody would deny it's a political move. i also think no one should deny it's a policy move. the reason is the yahoos behind us haven't doble their jobs. we are in a political year, and this is just the season we're in. i think jonathan is right. this puts mitt romney in one hell of a position. if he sticks with where he is currently, then he seems out of the touch, inhumane, et cetera , et cetera , if he moves, he flip-flops. and he turns off the conservative -- this is a double dog dare from the president.

>> speaking of double days ago dare since that's the language you're moving this moment. this reporter as i understand it has been identified as a reporter with "the daily caller" a conservative paper, blog, whatever. let me play the president getting clearly irritated with this reporter interrupting the remarks from the rose garden where he was not taking questions.

>> the question, sir -- not while i'm speaking. precisely because this is temporary, congress needs to act. there is still time for congress to pass the d.r.e.a.m. act this year, because the kids deserve to plan their lives.

>> that's just a portion. the president went back to the guy again there. jonathan , what do you make of this?

>> that's the last time that reporter will be in --

>> mike viqueira said he had a temporary pass there.

>> you know, there are basic rules that apply and that have applied in democratic and republican administrations. you don't interrupt the president when he's talking. you don't do that to any politici politician. it's a form of heckling. what is acceptable and done routinely by reporters and arguably should be done more often, when the president is done finishing, it's fair to yell out questions to try to get him to respond.

>> that's exactly what happened after. you both get in on this, there are many people who believe that this president has been constantly disrespected on different fronts, whether it's being yelled at our shouted down by lawmakers, whether it is this reporter from "the daily caller" as he's been identified shouting out in a way we have not seen with any other president.

>> let's see what tucker carlson has to say about it. he's the founder and editor in chief. let's see what he has to say about this.

>> tucker did make a statement. he said it is within a reporter's right to ask the president of the united states a question, but jonathan 's right, you know, as reporters we have to abide by the rules and we have to respect the office, no matter who is in it. if a liberal reporter had done the same thing to george bush , then everyone would have had their hair on fire, et cetera , et cetera , and by the way, they should have. it was rude, it was boorish behavior. the reporter was kneale monroe. everyone knows who he is. i'm not surprised he did it. i just think it's bad behavior. you just don't do it. it's rude.

>> i know tucker wants to back up his reporter, but he needs to be, you know, aware of the fact that -- does he think that reporters from reporters from liberal blogs should be interrupting governor romney when making a speed, a statement? is that where he wants this campaign to go? i would suggest to tucker on this particular one, he reassess that and issue a statement that it's absolutely fair to ask the president, shout questions at the president, but after he finishes speaking.

>> they at the same timed to shout down the president while he's speaking is incredible.

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