Sunday, February 12, 2012

Factories - Small Business Branding

Samovar Batashev willingly sold out at fairs, markets and elsewhere in Russia, because they were relatively expensive and of good quality. Such popularity samovars branded name Batashev caused the appearance of the Thule 15 samovar factories that made "batashevskie" samovar, samovars Batashev. The owners of these factories were nobles Batashev, Batashev commoners, merchants Batashev, as well as the often do not Batashev - false Batashevs that bought the name as a trademark, and branding their products 'or the recipients of the heirs Batashev'. Known samovar with the stamps "samovar factories Batashev Ivan Mikhailovich," "samovar factories Peter Fedorovich Il-Batashov "samovar factories Batashev Egor Ivanovich," "samovar factories VS Kotyreva" (aka Batashev), which is likely to relate to false Batashev. However, these factories Batashevs, which produced samovars Batashev was not so much.

Until recently, according to the literature it was known that in 1840 opened a factory Yegorov Batashev that existed in the future under the name "Heirs VS Batashev." Then in 1840-1850 years, Alexander Stepanovich Batashev founded samovar factory and then handed it to his brothers Alex and Ivan Stepanovich Batashev under which and ended its existence. And even earlier, as was considered in 1825 founded the first factory Ivan G. Batashev, which later passed to his son, Nikolai Batashev, who passed it and then rent Teile. But thanks to archival data was establish that the factory's founder Stephan F. Batashev. Stepan Fyodorovich Batashev came from Chulkovo settlement, which in 1819 opened the hour-long workshop, and then workshop metal things. In 1840 he started engage in a copper case, the production of samovars its factory gradually developed.


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